Mundane News

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I've got some work to do in the garden today.

So have I. I have to remove the cover from the sweet peas protecting them from frost. Tough day of gardening......


Good morning, has been raining and heavier forecast. Trying to work out when to put the grass seed on the lawn. Constant predicted wet days are getting less every time I look but maybe Wednesday evening; Thursday and Friday look wet and Saturday and Sunday are not but they say that every Easter (do the tourist board pay them?) and typically rain falls.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Good morning, has been raining and heavier forecast. Trying to work out when to put the grass seed on the lawn. Constant predicted wet days are getting less every time I look but maybe Wednesday evening; Thursday and Friday look wet and Saturday and Sunday are not but they say that every Easter (do the tourist board pay them?) and typically rain falls.

If I put seed of any kind out without a protective cover every bird within miles regards it as feeding time.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry so far today but light rain is forecast by mid morning.
Bread is getting made as I now cheat and use a breadmaker machine.

It probably gets boring for those not affected but there are more ferry problems.
MV Caledonia has picked up something in its thrusters and is out of service until they get divers. { This was one of the jobs younger son used to be involved in as a professional diver }.
We are left then with the small MV Loch Frisa on the run to Oban and a smaller than usual ferry on the Fishnish/Lochaline which has now abandoned any timetable and is shuttling as fast as possible to deal with the extra traffic.
I remember when we did not have this small ferry and the main one to Oban did three runs on a busy day and no Sunday ferry.
Happy days.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dry and partly sunny Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been done for long enough to consider a second one shortly with a slightly late breakfast. If it stays dry I'm thinking of getting the lawn mower out and giving the grass its second rough cut of the year.
grumble grumble is it Friday yet? I get to help Son move again in the snow & rain tomorrow ... :cry:

wasn't so bad. but moving is moving; one of the top 3 stressors, moving, new job & relationship change (aka breakup). Son & his girlfriend both experienced 2 out of the 3, except she didn't move & he didn't change jobs. being old & stable has it's benefits, eh? guessing Wifey would argue my stable part, hehe


Itching to get back on my bike's
Had a few rain showers this morning

For breakfast?! Generations of Brits worked their socks off in India and Africa so that an Englishman might have a decent breakfast of toast and marmalade. Honey is an acceptable alternative. Peanut butter is for baiting mousetraps.

Not a marmalade fan happy to have honey on toast but just fancied peanut butter today.
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