Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa brewing
Sunny but breezy
Pretty sure I saw clouds going faster than me onu ride


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
We seem to be getting a sunny day with light winds today so must make the effort to get out for a trike run.
Do not feel very energetic but it does not have to be hard work once I actually get out.

Ferry problems looming at some busy weekends just about when I need to be off island so need to book well in advance. Nothing broken down but shuffling ships around to get more people to a festival on Islay plus pier renovations means we lose some sailings and much reduced vehicle and passenger numbers.
Life was so much easier before we had this tourist madness. It was busy in July and a bit of August with a blip at easter but the rest of the year was relatively peaceful.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I wonder what the sun dreams of, at night?



Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the cloud has slowly filled in the gaps to give full cover. Looks to be a bit breezy as well from what I can see of the trees the other side of the rail line. Once I've finally got myself going and had the daily bit of fresh air, today may finally be the day that the car gets washed & polished.


2.7 mile version of the Aldi trek. Bright and sunny and outbound the road end that is crossed adj to the A59 had been totally resurfaced. Previously there was a filled in excavation trench across the end of the road completely surrounded on either side by pot holes. Eggs and a shepherd's pie for freezer stock purchased.
Suffering with cracking on a lip corner from the windy cold air on Friday so despite it looking tempting for a bike ride think shoving the scarifier over the lawns this afternoon would be better. Garden wheelie bin due to be emptied on Friday so needs filling a bit more, just checked and still says that despite it being Good Friday.


Just given the roses a purne they've put on a lot of unseasonal growth due to the mixed bag of weather the last few months.
Some really needed a hard prune to being them back into shape and have any chance of flowering at head height.
Just about filled the green bin not a problem as its due out next week.
Funny how most of the at least 60 year old ones are going better than some of newer ones.
Noticed the beds are in need of weeding but it's just to wet in placers to do it right. Still nothing is out of control, about to spread or in danger of setting seed. So can wait till I can give it a good go ,won't take too long once I can get going. Maybe a job for over easter.
The lawns are still way too wet to cut and more compaction now will just make it worse.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny most of the day but a bitterly cold northerly wind.
Took the trike out for a spin but somehow did not enjoy it which is unusual. It seemed just too cold and I never got warmed up.
Somebody on FB complaining about a dog on their farm at Tobermory. Never heard of the farm and asked a couple of neighbours who are long term residents who have never heard of it either.
Gaggle tells me it is less than a mile away from my house up a dead end road. It would appear to be a
“ tourist farm” created from a bit of the existing farm. They take people on scenic walks.
There is no end to the ingenuity of those fleecing the touroid.


Legendary Member
Nice day, but bitterly cold. I rode about 40 miles this evening, with a trip through the national park. Longest ride so far in 2024. I put my mountain bike in its new home and the it nice not having to squeeze past it in the hallway any more.

Now popped out for some live music to see a band I like. They've put the price of a pint up 30c.:sad:
It's been a chilly weekend of four seasons in 48 hours here chez Casa Reynard.

Have had a lazy weekend and not done that much at all. I did go yellow stickering yesterday evening. Not much luck, though I did pick up some sea bass for the friend who I go walking with, and a tray of diced beef and some sausage rolls for me. The best buy of the evening was a job lot of HCB from the in-store bakery. Bread & butter pudding is planned :hungry:

Also catalogued some more photos. I will need to cross-check the details with the labels in the albums.

This evening I plan on watching a programme about favourite TV adverts from the 1970s & 1980s.
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