Mundane News

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A cheque can be on anything; it just needs the name, official details, amount and signature. Taking one into a bank is a bit of fun though - I won a cash prize and the presentation was one of those. Taking it into the branch elicited some looks. Particularly as it was only for £200.

indeed it can I once read a report of a farmer who was in dispute with his bank about some charge or another. Who wrote a cheque on the side of sheep and presented it as payment.


Legendary Member
A cheque can be on anything; it just needs the name, official details, amount and signature. Taking one into a bank is a bit of fun though - I won a cash prize and the presentation was one of those. Taking it into the branch elicited some looks. Particularly as it was only for £200.

You really do learn something new every day. I had always assumed those oversized cheques were just publicity props and a normal, valid cheque would be given behind the scenes.
A grey, blustery and chilly day here chez Casa Reynard. No sign of rain. Yet.

Slept OK-ish, though didn't appreciate the hour and a half it took me to nod back off to sleep after a trip to the little girls' room. Have had a quiet morning, although the crock pot is locked and loaded with tonight's supper.

Madam Lexi is currently puttering about in the garden.

The postman has delivered some Tesco vouchers.

It is almost time for luncheon.
Yes. It was there . I just had to double check. They also had a Napier triple bank engine on display.

Brilliant! It's an absolutely fabulous car. Took nine months to go from blank sheet of paper to finished car in the early 1930s.

Ah, and the engine would be a Napier Lion of some description. There's an XI-A series in the Railton itself - the original engine, but a lot of other cars of the era (mainly LSR cars) used the many variants of the VII series, which were engines designed specifically for racing. OK, when I say racing, we're talking Schneider Trophy here, and they just got appropriated into cars and boats.

The Lion is the best example of a successful W-12 configuration engine. They tried them in F1 in the late 80s / early 90s, but without much luck. The Lion's strength was its relative simplicity, as everything could run off a single crankshaft thanks to each bank of cylinders being at 60 degrees to each other. Trouble is, that's quite a wide configuration - in the F1 cars, they narrowed the angle between the banks to be able to fit the engine to the car, but that meant using two crankshafts. Which meant a lot of mechanical and reliability issues. Something which the Lion never really had.


Legendary Member
A change in the weather. We now have sleet showers instead of hail.


Leg End Member
Ideas wanted on tracing this person!

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Legendary Member
Ironing? I thought you were retired! :scratch:

The only time I use my iron is when I am sewing and seams need pressing. I admit that the ironing board is always "up" in the Unitility room. Clean folded clothes/bedding live on the flat bit. There is a small shelf under the large flat bit, for drying small items, and blouses can be put on hangers to dry and hung on the rail next to where the iron stands.
I know - it's just something that I don't really need to do these days, but it was a way of wasting an hour and catching up with some of the F1 practice I'd recorded overnight while doing it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Ironing? I thought you were retired! :scratch:

The only time I use my iron is when I am sewing and seams need pressing. I admit that the ironing board is always "up" in the Unitility room. Clean folded clothes/bedding live on the flat bit. There is a small shelf under the large flat bit, for drying small items, and blouses can be put on hangers to dry and hung on the rail next to where the iron stands.

I still have an iron but dumped the board and use a towel on the kitchen table on the rare occasion it is needed. Like you it is mainly for pressing seams. cannot remember when I ironed anything else.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast with chicken liver pate, an apple, an orange and two :cuppa:

Did some laundry this afternoon, and put in a bit more time into cataloguing all those F3000 photos. I'm actually rather embarrassed at how many I'd forgotten I had. Whoops!

Just having a :cuppa: while sharing a Portuguese custard tart with Madam Lexi.
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