Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Pass me a Rennie please




Check the fridge.

Good idea!


Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed
Time for some lunch
Mild, blustery and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well (some odd dreams, though), and spent the morning in the company of a dear friend and her dogs, having a nice bimble around the local playing fields and a trail or two. We've not been able to get into the nature reserve for a walk since before Christmas, as large parts of it currently require the use of a snorkel and some flippers.

The parental unit decided to help me by making a start on cutting back one of the mulberries this morning and fill the green bin, which is out for collection in the morning. Only she's cut back growth from the wrong (smaller) tree, not the one that actually needed trimming in the first place. Not only that, I've been left with several ugly stumps sticking out at eye level that now need to be dealt with before I can go anywhere near there with the mower. It wouldn't be so bad, but somehow, I've been unable to get her to understand that when pruning / cutting back a tree, you need to take things off at joints and junctions as opposed to just sticking the loppers in wherever you fancy.

Which of course leaves me with far more work to do than I started with, because I now need to make the tree a) safe and b) look acceptable as well as cut back the other tree. Aaaargh! It's at times like these, I'd rather not have the help at all.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon. I has a hungry and someone wants their chicken.
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