Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Try sunflower seed hearts. Ours fight over the feeders. We used to just get 5 regularly but now we can get groups of more than a dozen with up to 6 Greenfinches.

I have Sun Flower Hearts .Fat balls ( can I say that) and mixed wild bits feed on the feeders.Meal worms on the ground feeder Apart from sparrows and Blue Tits Black bird and the occasional Robin come to the ground feeder The only other bird of note was a Bull Finch


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the morning started with bright sunshine and has now reverted to the traditional grey cloud cover. The one consistent throughout the morning has been what looks to be quite a stiff breeze - as it's from the east, this fits in quite nicely with my plans to head west for lunch.


Legendary Member
Never though there was so much verbaige could be generated by hens.
Anyway looks a nice morning so far but too early to tell if it will last.

Just been interrupted by my landline phone and somebody says there have been two suspicious transactions on my card this morning. Not had one of those few few weeks.

Last evening looking out my front window I saw the skipper of a local ferry trudging up the road with his aged labrador. About 20 yards behind is a cat which I presume is his. Last year the cat came up the same distance behind any time I happened to see him but it has not been visible all winter. I thought it had gone off to the great cattery in the sky but it was really just being sensible and staying indoors when it was cold and wet.^_^

I keep getting messages saying they have saying they have bee unable to to take my DD for my T V license.Bank statement says differently


Same type of phone call last week,two withdrawls blah blah blah.Anyway i had a bad night and slept in today,so no appointments left at the Health Centre.No problems my fault.I cannot keep warm,freezing chills and shivers for over ten days now.Heating off heating on extra clothing wrapping up in a thermal blanket all no use.Bed is the only solution,then i find i wake up sweating.i need help.i might have an infection of some sort,which is not good at all in my state.Ah well.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
A random photo of fried bacon has just made me change my breakfast plans.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
They're ALWAYS a chicken. It's the name of the species. Consider pheasants wandering along the lane. We don't say "there's a hen in the lane", we say "there's a hen pheasant in the lane". Or just a pheasant. As we have no male chickens, we don't need to distinguish between male and female, so all the birds we keep are chickens.

Besides, they answer to "chickens". When we call them in the evening, they come running to "chick chick chick chickens". Nothing else works. I rest my case m'lud.

Morning all.

Hen is a specific reference to a fertile chicken, though. As a woman is not a girl and vice versa , yet all are humans. Chicken is the species. We called young chickens poults or pullets. Chickens, I was told, were an ancient cross between the aforementioned pheasant and the aforementioned jungle fowl. Once a hen got past three or four years old, it was called dinner.


Hen is a specific reference to a fertile chicken, though...
Indeed. But that doesn't make calling it a chicken incorrect, in the same way that calling a woman a person isn't incorrect. As I said, we don't have anything other than egg-laying hens, so we don't have to distinguish between one category of chicken and another. So, calling our chickens "chickens" is perfectly OK.
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