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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hen is a specific reference to a fertile chicken, though. As a woman is not a girl and vice versa , yet all are humans. Chicken is the species. We called young chickens poults or pullets. Chickens, I was told, were an ancient cross between the aforementioned pheasant and the aforementioned jungle fowl. Once a hen got past three or four years old, it was called dinner.

Pullets surely are the stage between chicken and hen. You do get pullet eggs which are smaller than the usual hen eggs.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Indeed. But that doesn't make calling it a chicken incorrect, in the same way that calling a woman a person isn't incorrect. As I said, we don't have anything other than egg-laying hens, so we don't have to distinguish between one category of chicken and another. So, calling our chickens "chickens" is perfectly OK.

Chickens are indeed chickens but hens are not chickens.
I wonder how long we can keep this thread going? :laugh:


Pullets surely are the stage between chicken and hen. You do get pullet eggs which are smaller than the usual hen eggs.

There is no stage between chicken and hen. They've been chickens for their entire life. There IS a stage between chick and hen, but we bought ours as point-of-lay, so they have been both chicken and hen for the entirety of the time we've had them.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Sat in surgery waiting room this morning when a disembodied voice behind my chair announced loudly
“ Bluetooth is turned off!”. All eyes turned and looked at me. :blush:
Couple of minutes later came “ Bluetooth is turned on” and all turned and looked with pity towards me.
Not content it did it again and again until I felt disposed to declare “ Wisnae me” to the assembled company.
WTF was that all about.:wacko:

someone dropped their phone behind your chair?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
There is no stage between chicken and hen. They've been chickens for their entire life. There IS a stage between chick and hen, but we bought ours as point-of-lay, so they have been both chicken and hen for the entirety of the time we've had them.

So teenage hens at some point then?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hens ARE chickens, but they aren't the only chickens. If you'd have said "Hens are chickens, but not all chickens are hens", then we'd be in complete agreement and this particular conversation would only have gone on for another page or two. ^_^

All hens start as chickens then but not all chickens become hens and some become cockerels or roosters but the majority of roosters become soup or stew. Can also be roasted of course.
Old hens have been known to turn into soup as well and the meat has more flavour depending on whether they have been free range or not.:boxing:


All hens start as chickens then but not all chickens become hens and some become cockerels or roosters but the majority of roosters become soup or stew. Can also be roasted of course.
Old hens have been known to turn into soup as well and the meat has more flavour depending on whether they have been free range or not.:boxing:
All hens REMAIN chickens. Not all chickens remain, or indeed, ever were, hens. Other than that, we are in complete agreement. Ours are free range, and the eggs are therefore delicious. I expect the eventual chicken stew, broth, and soup will be too.
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