Mundane News

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It's very cold in Meanwoodshire just thought i would let you know.Mrs P is banging on the window for some reason.if she does not stop i will have to let her in.


Legendary Member
The builder was here but I didn't see him as they climbed up a ladder and didn't come anywhere near me, probably because I refused to accept any of his excuses. He told the guy downstairs it will be re-concreted the next good day but I'm sceptical. There's a lot of work in it unless he just adds another layer over the top of the old and there is the question of my heat pump sitting in the corner. If he does that, I will refuse to accept it as it won't last and won't address the basic problem.

I made a big pot of vegetable soup with enough to last me the rest of the week.

I had problems getting this laptop on Win11 to recognise my rather old printer and had held on to my old Win8.1 laptop for the rare occasions I needed to print things but I've got it sorted now. I found the CD belonging the to printer, which didn't work, but I was then able to download a driver from their website. All working now. I had a long form to print off and fill out for my health insurance company who had decided to pay all my hospital bills from my accident nearly 3 years ago last week and wanted permission to claim it back from the driver's insurance. You have to wonder how long it takes to settle this as I also had a load of stuff from my own solicitor the other day too. It's still ongoing. You'd think it would be quick when the driver accepted liability.

I've decided to go to the pictures tonight to see the Bob Marley film as I want a change from thinking about builders, solicitors and insurance companies.


All at sea⛵
As a girl of decidedly Germanic ancestry, I'm resigned to the fact that I'm never going to be a skinny minnie LOL! As long as I can wear size 10 / size 12 jeans (depends on the brand and cut) while still being able to bend over to tie my shoe laces without popping any seams, I'm good.

But I am well fortunate that I have not inherited the seriously oversized knockers that were pretty prevalent in the women on my dad's side of the family. :biggrin:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Another cuppa and a chocolate biscuit consumed
And 20 pieces added to latest jigsaw
8c outside


All at sea⛵
Mrs P a little better so a drive out to a garden centre,a bit of different scenery.She is still fatigued though.My vertigo has settled down,but i will do the exercises.head to one side then lie down,sit up head to other side lie down again do this five times three times a day.

Do be quite vigorous with the lay down. You gave to dislodge the crystals.
I timed my lumberjilling just right - it started to rain as I was trailering the firewood home. I actually really enjoyed being outside and doing stuff - cleared up a dead cherry and dead field maple, as well some large ash branches that came down in the recent gales. The weather can damn well do what it likes now.

Had a "fun" supper this evening and made favorki. I've just been really fancying them, and as I had some pastry scraps in the fridge, it was a good excuse to use them up. Favorki (deep-fried strips of pastry dredged with icing sugar) are traditional in Poland on Tlusty Czwartek i.e. the day after Ash Wednesday. Although they're the sort of thing that goes down well any time :hungry:

Have also accepted a judging engagement at the beginning of May. If the show had been at its usual venue (Perdiswell near Worcester), I'd have turned it down as it's too far to travel - us Household Pet judges don't get expenses, so an overnight stay can't be justified. But the show has relocated to Stoneleigh, which is inside my travelling limit, so I figured why not. Looking forward to it as I'll be judging cats that I don't see in this region.

Currently sat and watching some action from the FA Cup 5th round.


Legendary Member
As detailed in the 'Commuting' thread I ended up having to replace the inner tube for the homeward leg and then got a puncture in the replacement tube resulting in walking the last 2.5 miles. I think I deserved the (free) Pastel de Nata I picked up at Lidl on the way after that.

Just about time for a hot chocolate before bed.
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