Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Walkies has been walked 🐶
Primroses have been purchased & planted.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Mundane to all of you. But certainly not to son no. 1 and me: after a year of job-hunting and up-skilling himself he's got himself a graduate job in his engineering field. And it's just down the road from where he lives in Lincoln - which is where he's wanted to stay if possible. He liked them when he went for the interview last week and clearly they liked him. Oh, and he can commute there by bike.

I'm going to celebrate this evening by going track racing ....
An occasionally sunny but somewhat chilly day here chez Casa Reynard. Madam Lexi likes being out in the sunshine, but she decided that it was too cold for her delicate sensibilities. She went out. And came straight back in again.

Anyways, I slept well. Actually, I overslept and so nothing much of any great importance got done this morning. I had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with anchovies, one with avocado, then a banana, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

I will be going out lumberjilling shortly. Wasn't in the plans for today, but what with tomorrow morning's fog and then the rain due to move in early afternoon. everything will simply be too wet. So I'm about to put my gardening clobber on and toddle off.

Madam Lexi is still peeved because I've run out of Parma ham.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cold wind but not as strong as forecast.
Tried to go for a walk but heavy rain came on so gave up that idea tho' rain did not last.
Made bread instead and did some tidying up of cupboards and sorted out stuff no longer in use to give to the charity shop.
Found loads of assorted light bulbs which are probably no use any more as the fittings have changed in many cases.

Dentist surgery phoned at last and I am booked for tomorrow early afternoon.
The receptionist was supposed to note that I wanted them to call my mobile and not the landline but none of them ever seem to pay attention to that and persist in using the landline. The problem is that the answering machine is set to start fairly early and I cannot be bothered changing it. In any case the sound quality is not good and it took a bit of persistence to establish the time of my appointment.
I do not see any point in getting a new phone since there are changes coming sometime soon and it may all be radio anyway.
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