Mundane News

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Legendary Member
As soon as I got home this afternoon the dirty clothing was removed from the overnight bag and replaced with a clean change of clothing plus a top up of snacks and orange squash ready for Thursday's outing.
Breakfast this morning must have been slightly more filling than I thought as all I've eaten since then has been a couple of rounds of cheese on toast.


Leg End Member
As soon as I got home this afternoon the dirty clothing was removed from the overnight bag and replaced with a clean change of clothing plus a top up of snacks and orange squash ready for Thursday's outing.
Breakfast this morning must have been slightly more filling than I thought as all I've eaten since then has been a couple of rounds of cheese on toast.
You're aware there's industrial action planned by Northern on the 30th of this month!


Vice Admiral
As a girl of decidedly Germanic ancestry, I'm resigned to the fact that I'm never going to be a skinny minnie LOL! As long as I can wear size 10 / size 12 jeans (depends on the brand and cut) while still being able to bend over to tie my shoe laces without popping any seams, I'm good.

But I am well fortunate that I have not inherited the seriously oversized knockers that were pretty prevalent in the women on my dad's side of the family. :biggrin:

I have inherited my Russian ancestors' short neck and German ancestors' chunky legs. Not sure what the Turkish and Persian ancestors have given me.


Legendary Member
It has been a long day. Up at 6:30ish, a four mile walk, make breakfast, work 8:30 - 5:30, walk to the supermarket, make something to eat, have shower, walk to my dance class, walk home again and now time to relax and listen to boyracers.

Plus I had the guy downstairs up several times taking photos of where the concrete is breaking up on my balcony as his solicitor wanted them.

The builder was supposed to come too but never turned up. All this is stress I don't need. If and when the builder gives in or gets forced to fix the leak and re-lay my balcony, I will probably have them traipsing in and out of my living room to access it and no doubt they'll make a mess and not tidy up. My heat pump will also need to be moved to work under it so I will have no heating or hot water. The guy is also a complete cowboy that shouldn't be allowed to build a dog kennel. He will more than likely take short cuts, screw it up, cause an even bigger leak and have to get a proper builder to do it (Or at least that's what happened when he tried to fix a leak on the porch). :sad:


Leg End Member
It has been a long day. Up at 6:30ish, a four mile walk, make breakfast, work 8:30 - 5:30, walk to the supermarket, make something to eat, have shower, walk to my dance class, walk home again and now time to relax and listen to boyracers.

Plus I had the guy downstairs up several times taking photos of where the concrete is breaking up on my balcony as his solicitor wanted them.

The builder was supposed to come too but never turned up. All this is stress I don't need. If and when the builder gives in or gets forced to fix the leak and re-lay my balcony, I will probably have them traipsing in and out of my living room to access it and no doubt they'll make a mess and not tidy up. My heat pump will also need to be moved to work under it so I will have no heating or hot water. The guy is also a complete cowboy that shouldn't be allowed to build a dog kennel. He will more than likely take short cuts, screw it up, cause an even bigger leak and have to get a proper builder to do it (Or at least that's what happened when he tried to fix a leak on the porch). :sad:
Hopefully it'll be sorted soon.


Leg End Member
I hope so but won't hold my breath. He'll do everything he can to get out of fixing it.
Know his sort only too well.
Take pictures before he starts anything, then as the work "progresses". If he does anything.
Inside and outside!
I have inherited my Russian ancestors' short neck and German ancestors' chunky legs. Not sure what the Turkish and Persian ancestors have given me.

I've got the chonky legs too.

Which makes wellies something of a no-no, cos if I've got ones to match my foot size (4 / 37) I can't get my leg in 'em, and if I get ones that I can actually put on, I get horrendous blisters because the feet are way too big.


Leg End Member
@tyred, we've a few of your boy racers over here.

A few have just gone flying down the main road at close on 80mph, in a 20mph zone.
Near miss at a mini roundabout. Car pulling out, totally unseen lead to a rapid/sudden application of the brakes on a wet and greasy road.

100 yards away, and the tyres protesting could clearly be heard as they fought to bring the idiot to a halt.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Plus I had the guy downstairs up several times taking photos of where the concrete is breaking up on my balcony as his solicitor wanted them.

The builder was supposed to come too but never turned up. All this is stress I don't need. If and when the builder gives in or gets forced to fix the leak and re-lay my balcony, I will probably have them traipsing in and out of my living room to access it and no doubt they'll make a mess and not tidy up. My heat pump will also need to be moved to work under it so I will have no heating or hot water. The guy is also a complete cowboy that shouldn't be allowed to build a dog kennel. He will more than likely take short cuts, screw it up, cause an even bigger leak and have to get a proper builder to do it (Or at least that's what happened when he tried to fix a leak on the porch). :sad:

What a pain in the arris!
Just a thought: if said cowboy won't come and fix it, can you not (ask your legal team first, obv!) get the work done professionally and then sue him for the cost?
Good morning.

Today will be fun. I have an appointment at 11, doing my actual job of actually training an actual trainee. Except that last night I got a message from the boss saying I need to pick up about 40 bicycles from the local authority. It takes about 25 minutes to drive there. I pointed out to the manager of the facility I work in, that this means I can't make the appointment. Her response was a breezy "Set off at 08:30 and you'll be fine."

I'll be driving out tatty delivery van; from experience I can squeeze (and I mean squeeze) about 14 bikes in there, at a push. Thankfully our bike storage area is a few KM from the local government office, say ten minutes. Add ten minutes to load fifteen bikes and ten to unload. That's half an hour per trip one way, plus ten minutes back.

40 bikes and a van that can take 14 means about three trips, as seen above each trip is about 40 minutes assuming I have a free space for loading and the door is left open so I don't have to find a key holder each time.

So 3x40 minutes = 2 hours, plus the 25 minutes to get there, and let's say about ten minutes to find a parking space, find the door, get the receptionist to find the person responsible, get directed to the delivery door, pull up, door open, and find the bikes. So we're already at, let's be generous here, about 2 1/2 hours assuming everything goes incredibly smoothly and there's absolutely no congestion or parking problems, no need to sort any of the bikes, all the bike fit first time, the door to the bike store is conveniently left wide open we drive back and forth, and of course the "40 bikes" estimate is accurate.

After all this, I still need to sort the bikes into reusable bikes and bikes that will be dismantled, and re-load 14 reusable bikes and any salvaged parts I can fit in the van, to take back to my own workshop. This usually takes about half an hour to an hour, so we're now on at least 3 hours, probably getting on for four.

Than of course I need to get back, another 25 minutes if I really put my foot down, and unload these bikes, take them upstairs in the goods lift, and get them to the storage area, which is the opposite side of the building to the goods lift. Typically this takes a good half hour as well, all told.

So there and back, plus shuttling and unloading bikes, plus other shenanigans, say four hours, assuming all this runs perfectly, the roads are clear and I somehow channel my inner racing driver. Probably five is more accurate. Assuming I race about getting organised enough to leave at exactly 08:30, which I won't because there's too much traffic until 9 then I might get back just after one, maybe two in the afternoon...

I think the manager is about to learn that over optimistic estimations lead to disappointment.

Do you think I should try to tell her it was a valuable learning experience?
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