Mundane News

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Large amount of sh*t shovelled today. Mrs O had a grab bag delivered for the garden but somehow it’s my job to get it from the drive to the veg plot 🙁


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

WooHoooo 😎


A bit late reporting but did a tip run yesterday.
In preparation for the grand daughters ( hopefully) coming to ours, the old but still remarkably intact an functional futon / bed was dis assembled and put on FB for free to anyone that would collect it in hours...and it was.
2 single beds assembled, various tidying up in their bedroom..,and a run to the tip with all the packaging from the beds.
I love tip runs, don't know why, I just get great satisfaction from them

Back to the futon. Advertised on FB, within minutes got two requests, no please, no thank you, just mono syllable 'is it free'
Those requests were promptly ignored. Got another two, the first wasn't overly friendly but we just want rid so we agreed they could pick it up at 13.00. 13.15, no one there so offered it to the second, who immediately got in his car and it was gone to a happy couple within the next 45 minutes. To the first one, you snooze, you lose.

I won't put up with lack of manners or ungreatfulness from people if I have a choice. I don't expect fawning but do like to feel someone does actually appreciate the fact your giving them something that I could easily have got £50 for


Itching to get back on my bike's
oh the joys of facebook marketplace
Back to the futon. Advertised on FB, within minutes got two requests, no please, no thank you, just mono syllable 'is it free'
Those requests were promptly ignored. Got another two, the first wasn't overly friendly but we just want rid so we agreed they could pick it up at 13.00. 13.15, no one there so offered it to the second, who immediately got in his car and it was gone to a happy couple within the next 45 minutes. To the first one, you snooze, you lose.

I won't put up with lack of manners or ungreatfulness from people if I have a choice. I don't expect fawning but do like to feel someone does actually appreciate the fact your giving them something that I could easily have got £50 for
It was a chilly and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard, with the odd half-hearted outbreak of drizzle.

Spent yesterday doing firewood as my stocks of logs were low - sawing mostly, but some splitting too. Ended up being too tired to log on. Slept well though, and after some brunch, went to Tesco to do the yellow stickers.

No final reductions today (technical issues), so most of the pickings went back into their respective cabinets. Not just mine, but all the other regulars as well. No point taking stuff if there's only a few pence off. A few good buys were still to be had at 40% off, so got some fish, some pork ribeye steaks, some sausage meat and some fruit. And a pack of sliced cooked chicken for Madam Lexi.

Just sat here having a nice quiet evening.


Legendary Member
Is umpteen hours of travelling worth it for an hour and a half of live music? Definitely yes if the band is as good as they were tonight. However I've decided that the definition of torture is 3 hours on an East Midlands train from Peterborough to Manchester! The views of the Peak District on the leg from Sheffield to Manchester cannot compensate for a numb bum.
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