Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A bit late reporting but did a tip run yesterday.
In preparation for the grand daughters ( hopefully) coming to ours, the old but still remarkably intact an functional futon / bed was dis assembled and put on FB for free to anyone that would collect it in hours...and it was.
2 single beds assembled, various tidying up in their bedroom..,and a run to the tip with all the packaging from the beds.
I love tip runs, don't know why, I just get great satisfaction from them

Back to the futon. Advertised on FB, within minutes got two requests, no please, no thank you, just mono syllable 'is it free'
Those requests were promptly ignored. Got another two, the first wasn't overly friendly but we just want rid so we agreed they could pick it up at 13.00. 13.15, no one there so offered it to the second, who immediately got in his car and it was gone to a happy couple within the next 45 minutes. To the first one, you snooze, you lose.

I won't put up with lack of manners or ungreatfulness from people if I have a choice. I don't expect fawning but do like to feel someone does actually appreciate the fact your giving them something that I could easily have got £50 for

Such behaviour is sadly the norm and some make definite appointments to come and that is the last you ever hear of them.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Started off bright and sunny with a light wind but it now seems to be clouding over a bit.
Good job I got out for a nice trike run yesterday so probably have a walk today.
I need to keep my phone handy as there should be a call from dental reception to tell me if I can get an appointment or not to get a couple of missing fillings sorted. I have been trying since mid October but now with a cardiology appointment I have more chance perhaps.
This is to do with a TAVR possibility and cardiology will not contemplate anybody with dodgy teeth unless perhaps in emergency. {Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement}.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Manchester where it's been almost unbroken sunshine so far. The usual rest is being taken after a large cooked breakfast and I'll be heading off to Manchester Piccadilly station in about 15 minutes.
Slightly different (and more comfortable) route home - Manchester - Leeds - Peterborough - Home. Must remember to get off at Stowmarket instead of Ipswich as that's where the car is.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's coffee time ☕
A bright, chilly and rather blustery day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and then had a lovely morning with a friend and her two dogs, walking around the local playing fields and some trails and to pass on her share of yesterday's yellow sticker pickings. it was good to set the world to rights and has made me feel a lot better about things. She actually took on the caramel tortie that I turned down, as a companion for her longhaired tortie non-ped kitten. Turns out she's ended up with an agoraphobic klepto kitty. Madam Mia has a "thing" about stealing soft toys / plushies if you aren't looking, but she won't leave "her" room unless she's physically picked up and taken elsewhere...

Me? Well I'm going to start asking around again - I've got a few people that I can get in touch with. And I hope I can find something half as good as what I got done on.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and *someone* wants their chicken. And I believe they are also going to be a bit miffed, as I've run out of Parma ham. Whoops!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a nice day but sunshine a bit cloudy. Not cold tho'.
Spent a while putting up more red deer defences and found a spot where one used to lie up every night. Several stakes and a fish box should put a stop to that and the daffodils will get a chance to flower.
Somebody has lost a hen as they keep some as pets but they got spooked and all vanished down the nearby slope. All bar one have found their way back home and people on Main St are asked to keep an eye out for the missing one.
Apparently it has gone walkabout before but has always been found hanging around the back of hotels. :whistle:

Note I called them hens as that is what they are and NOT chickens as so many call such fowl.:angry:
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