Mundane News

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A chilly but currently mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well - was still wide awake at half 6 in the morning. So I am a bit like a bear with a sore head today. And now that it's stopped raining (for the moment), the sniffles have re-manifested themselves, ergo I suspect tree pollen is the cause. I've been having a quiet day so far, working on some writing, but I will need to top up the wood bins in the house later, as other than kindling, I haven't done so for a week. There's simply been no need as it's been so mild. But with this dip in temperatures, I shall need to make sure the fire is well-fed.

There was an item on the lunchtime news about how a family have been keeping their energy costs down, and it kind of makes me laugh, as it's stuff we do here as a matter of course. It's weird how people used to look down on you for being careful, but that now, you're uber cool.

My Peugeot has arrived in the post, as have the Paul Warwick and Jason Elliott autographs from Germany and two copies of Rods & Stocks. So I can add yet another country to the list of those that I've repatriated Paul Warwick memorabilia from - and it now comes to seven. Never ceases to amaze me how stuff gets around.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and a certain furry Madam wants her chicken...


Sun came out, temperature went up and the ebike headed to Sainsbury's on a slightly elongated route to collect another ABC pub. Completely forgot to look down when I stopped there and right foot straight into a water filled pothole.
Sainsbury's had four of the five new personal Nectar price offers that I wanted, steak pies missing yet again. They did have some unsmoked mackerel which was the only full price item on the receipt. There were some shelf Nectar price cakes which I would have bought if the best before date wasn't 3 days ago.
No sooner than I started back home and it rained. Wasn't continuous so mildly moist jeans removed once home along with a wet shoe and sock.


All at sea⛵
Well his forenoon was occupied by a 25km solo wander on a route concocted with Komoot.
Recognised bits.
Was surprised when bits of the route emerged onto bits that I've cycled before. That "oh that's where that lane comes out then"
Then another bike wash. Buying s black bike was not quite the smart idea I thought it was. May have to go back to the cammo wrap previously applied to protect the paint job


Itching to get back on my bike's
Pitta patter
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