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Hong Kong


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Isle of Mull
Forecast tells me we are having heavy rain and a brisk wind but just now looking out there is no rain.
When I went out earlier to check the electricity consumption for the week the wind was quite light so the forecasters seem to get it wrong sometimes.
At least the fog has lifted but when I was out yesterday it was a bit eerie when down Main St as the place looked like it did 50 years ago.
No problem parking with plenty of empty space even around the coop which is usually jammed at that time of day.
The mail used to come in the service bus which arrived about 1000 at the post office which was on Main St then. The driver just stopped in the street and blocked it both ways till he had unloaded the post bags. Chaos, but since it was mostly residents then and we knew what to expect nobody was much bothered.


Dry start to the day so ebike on its Waitrose run with an emergency stop en route due to my Varia falling off, could not have fitted it right.

A very light shop as I had already used the weeks food vouchers on Thursday, notably the 50p off milk due to being on the verge of running out. Couple of items on offer bought plus the free newspaper.

Came out to find it was drizzling. Opted for the direct route via a pretty quiet A61. It did get slightly busy nearing the top of the Ripon Road hill but then a bus stopped and the car behind it also did so a double overtake and a clear decent.

Now pondering what to do with the wet contents of the washing machine.


Legendary Member
Another dreich morning. Midway through my perambulation and breakfast consumed. They were out of white pudding so they gave two pieces of black pudding instead.

Looking out the window to the carpark, I note that there are five cars over twenty year old. 1 X Toyota Camry, 2 X Yaris, 1 X Corolla and 1 X K11 Micra. You can see why so many like Jap cars.


The Glue that binds us together.
Back home from the NEC Birmingham.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the skies are a uniform flat grey colour although it's not raining - yet.

Another morning spent sitting in bed drinking a very nice mug of coffee, listening to the radio and catching up on the news. The main problem with sitting around is trying to straighten my legs out when I need to get moving as I sit cross legged. There's a load of washing in the machine and a second cuppa is on the offering.

Heading off to Leicester this afternoon to see a band at the O2 Academy2 so just got to kill about 2 1/4 hours until I head off to the train station.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Off to wet Wales again tomorrow - we're disassembling the 'decking' at the caravan. We've 'sold' the caravan to a Polish dealer. The site has said we have to remove the decking - we were happy to leave it for a new caravan owner (for free) - there is nothing wrong with it, but the site has insisted it's removed (obviously want to upsell some new decking to them).

I'm dreading the dis-assembly as it's been 'nailed together' by the fitters some 20 years ago - there are very few, if any, screws or bolts. Going armed with power tools, pry bars and a 23 year old male (my son). I am not climbing on the floor unscrewing things.

Decking screws can be very hard to remove!
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