Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Hush Puppies.

I had to Google that. I'd never heard of them before.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Only lechers wore Hush Puppies, a complete degenerate included cavalry twill trousers, a thorough bounder included a cravatte

I meant I'd never heard of these...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Showery day but did manage a short walk. The last time I walked for longer but possibly a coincidence when my right knee gave me a bit of pain at night and made getting going in the morning a bit difficult. Good to get outside tho'.
I should really have a go at clearing the jerusalem artichoke stems in the top garden and they should be dry enough for burning if it is not raining.
Cannot be bothered and it can wait another day or two.
My greenhouse is a complete tip and has to be cleared of the assembled rubbish and weeds which can be done even if it is raining. It served for a while as a bike shed but more likely now the contents of a small shed can go in there and the old shed knocked down and a new one built.
Had a very nice bitsa curry which will serve for another two meals. This is made in my usual fashion of a bit of this and a bit of that and whatever else is handy. Long slow cooking I think is good also to allow the flavours to merge.
A bit like home made soup it is better if left at least overnight to mature.


Legendary Member
It did dry up in the afternoon after a wet start. I went out for about 30 miles. It is bitterly cold. They'll definitely be a frost tonight.

I treated myself to chicken and chips and have popped into the pub for a bit of music now.

My favourite barmaid mustn't be working tonight.:sad:


My old Postman mate Ernie from near Filey is 96 today.I rang him he cut me off three times,i could hear his telly BLARING in the background his hearing aids were not working properly.Could i shout no i replied,well thank you for ringing and off he went.I did not have time to tell him i am popping in for a few hours very soon.Mrs P has to go to Filey and i am nipping over to see him.I have told his daughter instead.She says he will be so happy to see me.I have told her to make sure his carers come as i cannot look after him.They need to feed him and give him his meds.
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