Mundane News

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Technically speaking St. Peter's Basilica isn't in Rome.

This is true, and I'll bet you can't get a decent bowl of mushy peas there either. Security guards are better dressed though.


Legendary Member
It's amazing that I paid €1 each for these albums at a car boot sale years ago and the local second hand shop wants €30 for copies nowadays.

It's tempting to cash them in and buy them on CD and buy a couple of pints with money left over.
That's all the data entered into the drawings database. :wahhey:

I can now create separate listings for each of the individual projects, for the engines and for all the major component manufacturers involved (AP, Dunlop, Laycock, David Brown). And lump the unidentified stuff together as well.

It's taken me around 200 hours of work to get to this point; creating the catalogues, research, cross-checking with the IMechE archive and doing all the data entry. That's not counting the day we spent photographing and scanning everything in the first place.

That calls for a celebratory :cuppa:


Leg End Member
Is it too late to have an early night or too early to stay up late...🤔
And by the way, it's still raining.
Still snowing here.
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