Mundane News

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Grey, cold and soggy here chez Casa Reynard.

Which pretty well much sums up my mood right now (and the parental's mood), as I came home without a cat.

No one's fault despite the tricky negotiations, as they'd not originally intended rehoming this particular cat. But in the last day or so, a lump the size of a grape has come up on one of her back legs, just above the hock. I've agreed to wait till the biopsy gets done and their vet tells us what's what, but the speed at which that lump came up is very worrying. It definitely wasn't there last week.

I'm more than happy to home a nine year old cat who is perfectly healthy, but I do not want to home a nine year old cat with issues, or deal with the uncertainty of the situation and the inevitable large vet bills. If it was a cat from CP, they would cover all the vet fees if a cat has a known problem. It is different with a private rehoming. And having lost the Popster to cancer, I really don't want to go down that road in such short order.

We've left things open-ended at the moment, but I think I will probably back out. I hate messing people around, but this is not what I signed up for.

I just need a load of chocolate right now.

yeah it's one thing to raise a kitty from scratch & then have to deal w/ issue, but another thing altogether to deal with issues w/ a cat you're not already in love with


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
is there a page limit for this thread?

There used to be. I think this is the 3rd version but this thread hasn't been renewed for ages. Perhaps the storage/memory problem no longer exists.
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