Mundane News

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Definitely some wet stuff fell while washing was out so fetched it before I went out, at which point the sun came out only then to disappear and drizzle to set in.

Had to pump the front drivers side tyre up again, think it has a slow puncture.

Parked relatively close to the hospital and subsequently found the on street parking outside is now limited to 5 minutes. Prescription collected without delay but on opening it en route back to car found one pack of tablets absent. Phone message left and response awaited.

Sainsbury's absent of large chunks of low fat cheddar but did actually have in smoked mackerel. Decision time then - fish pie or fried mackerel tonight.
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Legendary Member
Managed 30 breezy miles in the end, enjoyable despite the weather.

I must admit I never locked a boat before but wondered about the point of using a nice heavy chain with two padlocks to lock it to a sheep wire which is easily cut by a decent pair of pliers. 🤔



All at sea⛵
Today I overdid it.

Had to go to a nearby town. Plan was take bike on train to get there and depending on the weather cycle back
Missed the train there with seconds so cycled.
Did the necessary and went to see a mate for pub lunch. Plan to wander home on early afternoon trains
Nothing better to do, went back to his for a cup of tea.
Faffed about and got to the station just to see my train leave. Next one in an hour. The cycle ride is about 40 mins. But it's through a woods and the battery was low
Took a chance to cycle back in time for tea time appointment at home
40+km and I'm knackered.
The battery survived too


Itching to get back on my bike's
Another cuppa went down well
Windy outside with 11c


Legendary Member
The car now has four fewer items to fail its MOT on next month and I managed to get in a very breezy 21 miles on the bike while the work was being carried out. This also included getting my step mother's birthday pressie for Wednesday and a bit of shopping from Aldi. Once home and following a spot of lunch, I went back out and battled the wind to get the last bit of food shopping in for the week having seen the forecast for the next couple of days. This included redeeming the Lidl cupon for a free filled chocolate muffin as the post tea time treat.

In other matters, has anyone else noticed the absence of @Reynard for the past few days? I'm hoping it's something as trivial as the Fenland wildlife having gnawed their way through the communications cabling.
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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
In other matters, has anyone else noticed the absence of @Reynard for the past few days? I'm hoping is something as trivial as the Fenland wildlife having gnawed their way through the communications cabling.

I noticed that as well. Hope she's OK. Which I haven't been given my new postgraduate students gave me Fresher's Flu. Somehow I gave a lecture this afternoon, but I'm not overly sure what it was on.

I'm supposed to be racing tomorrow, but will decide late morning whether to give it a try or bail for a week.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
A thought occurred to me this afternoon whilst commuting to work in my late Mum's Vauxhall Agila as I wasn't well enough to ride in:

"Does the car you drive affect how people treat you on the road?"

Ignoring SWMBO's Honda Jazz as I rarely drive it I've access to three cars regularly, each with different benefits:
  • Peugeot Partner Tepee (Berlingo clone) - it's old, very battered and gives an "I don't care" image. I can't remember when it was last washed by son no. 2 but it won't be in the last year. Drivers appear to deliberately not take any chances being aggressive with it since it's already got a pile of dents, none of which we actually did.
  • Honda CR-V - the car I won in 2022. It's big, white and looks imposing. Drivers keep away and tend not to be aggressive.
  • Vauxhall Agila - my late Mum's 'shopping' car. It looks like it's driven by an old person slowly. Aggressive drivers keep trying to cut in / chop me up / pull out on me. Erm ... nope, that won't work!
Yes, I could put this in the 'Motoring' sub-forum, but don't want to start an argument. Oh, and I do try to drive defensively.
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