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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
International incident going on in Hong Kong!!
It's all getting very Messi, apparently..
Maybe @cookiemonster can calm things down a bit!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another day another downpour.
Just as well I am a couple of hundred feet above sea level.
There are currently 4 assorted sheep in the field opposite and they are hunkered down behind a rock for shelter just now.
To add to the woes both main ferries are off as one is weathered off and the other is broken down.
Even the spiders have taken refuge in my bathroom sink. How they got into the wet room I do not know but probably through a gap where the pipes for the sink come up through the floor.
To add interest the earth has been moving around Dervaig again which is 10 miles away.
The end must be nigh.

happy birthday @postman

Text message just came pinging in to say they managed to get the broken down ferry started so the line up of delivery vans will be unleashed late on our roads.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright and partly cloudy Suffolk, although it does look to be a bit breezy judging by the movement of the trees the other side of the rail line. My recycling bin appears to have been randomly abandoned rather than put back where I left it having been emptied this morning so needs retrieving.

I will be heading off to Ipswich in just under an hour as the car is booked in to have all four tyres replaced and the tracking checked/adjusted. As it is expected that this will take between one & two hours I'm going to stick a bike in the boot and have a bit of a ride around and do some shopping while the work is being done.


Extremely fast gusts so towels and sheets washed and outside hoping for a quick dry. Other items kept indoors and the washer on again with the bathroom floor mats amongst it's contents. Bread maker on. Sainsbury's via the Hospital this afternoon. The latter to collect a repeat prescription. Wonder how close I can get on street parking. Annoying the road outside the hospital is limited to 10 minutes while the car park is free for 20 minutes but that's a bit of a chance I do not fancy otherwise paying £4 for.


Hong Kong
International incident going on in Hong Kong!!
It's all getting very Messi, apparently..
Maybe @cookiemonster can calm things down a bit!

Many very unhappy people here. Especially as the tickets ranged from about 80 quid up to 250 quid each.

David Beckham was brilliant and he was great with the kids at the training sessions but Messi looked bored throughout.

*edit* I'm just home from work and have caught up with this. It is a mess with lots of finger pointing. People are waiting to see if Messi plays in Japan later this week as that's where the team are off to next.
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International incident going on in Hong Kong!!
It's all getting very Messi, apparently..
Maybe @cookiemonster can calm things down a bit!

LOL, never a dull moment with 'big' Honkers matches, I was at happy valley for the 1996 England snoozefest (1-0 Les Ferdinand goal) but it all kicked off much later, a group of them fell out of the Big Apple in Wanchai around 4am? (it might have been 8am, they were doing 3 for 1 tequilas in the stadium sports bar all match :eek: ) ah well, Messi but fun.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Many very unhappy people here. Espcially as the tickets ranged from about 80 quid up to 250 quid each.

David Beckham was brilliant and he was great with the kids at the training sessions but Messi looked bored throughout.

*edit* I'm just home from work and have caught up with this. It is a mess with lots of finger pointing. People are waiting to see if Messi plays in Japan later this week as that's where the team are off to next.

It did seem a bit rude to be honest! As you say, tickets wouldn't be cheap for such things.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I did know it was still raining but did not realise just how heavy until I went out to collect some things from the car. Add on a small gale and I got sodden in about 50 yards return trip.
Ferry has started sailing again but with some hesitation and restrictions on what they will carry.
The roads are described as impassible in places due to floods and landslips. There is no road open from Fort William north and there is a bit on the A85 near Lochawe with huge puddles on both sides and reported to be large hidden potholes under the water. When we travelled down that way last week there was indeed extensive flooding and it can only have got worse despite the efforts of road clearing gangs.
To add to the fun there is forecast to be a sharp drop in temperature and probably freezing overnight.
I do not I hope need to travel until Friday when things may have calmed down a bit tho' with any luck I may manage a trike run locally before that.
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