Mundane News

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It's been a mild and greyish day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well. Went out erranding this morning. Needed to pick up my new printer from Waitrose (I love John Lewis click & collect as it saves me a trip to Cambridge), did the market and went to the agricultural engineering place in Littleport on the way home to buy some 2-stroke oil as I'd run out.

Market was a success, as I bought 4lbs of Seville oranges at 80p/lb. Happy Reynard, as I couldn't get any last year. Waitrose also had Seville oranges in stock, but they were £2.79/kg so decidedly more spendy.

Had a lovely luncheon of a roast lamb sandwich, an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa: and then spent the afternoon databasing.

Have had further rodent ingress recently. I have discovered that the little sh*ts have been eating the litter in the downstairs (hallway) tray. So instead of refilling the tray with the usual (corn husk-based) litter, I've filled it with sawdust instead when I did the trays. We shall see what effect - if any - that will have. I used to use sawdust before when I had my feral cat as that's what he liked, but the downside is that it doesn't clump. Mind you, as it's essentially free and compostable, I'm not going to complain.

Lovely supper of pumpkin, sweet potat & red lentil soup followed by salmon-in-a-parcel and caulisprout cheese. The salmon was the Mowi scottish salmon - Tesco's own brand is Norwegian - and I'd heartily recommend it. It was bloody lovely. :hungry:

Will probably spent the remainder of the evening setting up my new printer.
A question for @Reynard or any other people owned by a cat.

Bob and Kizzy like the new cat food, that is mostly shredded tuna. The small tins are expensive, but as there is no waste, and it is easy to recycle the tins, not too bad. Can I give them tuna in spring water in the much larger tins (intended for human consumption)?

I like tuna sandwiches, using tuna in olive oil, but I assume that will be far too salty for cats.

Those small tins of poncy cat food tend to be complementary as opposed to complete (do check the label), so you won't want to be feeding it exclusively. They won't have all the nutrients (including taurine) that cats require. Although if you are also feeding complete dry food alongside the cans, you should be fine. But do swap it around for some complete wet food as well.

Tuna chunks in spring water are fine, but it should only be regarded as an occasional treat as opposed to a regular food item. Lexi likes to lap up the liquid. However, she much prefers fresh tuna to canned. Whoops!!! :blush:


Legendary Member
Another working week completed and only 4 more to go ^_^

I'd just finished the first cuppa of the day, deleted the pointless emails and was settling in for a bit of a bit of a catch up on here when one of my colloeagues asked if I wanted to help on a cargo check. Which led to me spending three hours in a very chilly cargo shed, missiing out on the much needed second morning coffee and not having time to look in here until now.

Don't worry, you haven't missed much in Felixstowe except for the removal of one of the 4 sets of roadworks that have been causing traffic chaos in the area.


Legendary Member
Happy Burns' Night everyone.

It's Irish whiskey but it's all I have in stock.:whistle:


The anti sickness pills are wearing off.might go to bed early.By Saturday i will be as right as rain,its always the same.But i am not complaining and this was the last chemo.:hyper:
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