Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning (or as much as one starting with an alarm clock can be) from a gloomy & breezy Suffolk where it was disappointing to find that the office had survived the storms and my pass card still worked.

Just finished the first coffee of the day and still working my way through nearly 2 weeks worth of pointless emails. Sometimes Ctrl + A then Ctrl + D is the best option.


Some of the Ginsters range is really quite tasty. Haven't noticed that one though. I think I would enjoy it.

You can see individual pieces of veg so they're not like some pasties that are filled with an unidentifiable sludge.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just remembered today I passed a recumbent bike with loads of luggage parked on the pavement on the hill out of Oban as the rider was putting on a jacket since another wild hailstorm had started.
Could not get a proper look due to traffic in a dodgy bit of road.
I do not fancy touring in this weather.

Thinking further on this he may not have been a touring recumbent. A few weeks ago I saw a recumbent heading up the footpath beside to A85 towards Oban. It may have been somebody who lives here and just had a lot of shopping on his bike.
Cycling on this bit of footpath is not uncommon and much safer than the road. Nobody has ever complained as very few people walk there and I think plod must turn a blind eye as it has been going on for years.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Can't have grapefruit with one of my tablets.

Me neither - statins. And calcium channel blockers.

And I've just discovered that grapefruit doesn't reduce the drug's efficacy, it increases the level of the drug in the blood. I wonder whether it's possible to lower the dosage and eat grapefruit. That sounds like it might be a healthier alternative.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Still storms and getting worse so high possibility of no ferries.
Just as well I got off island yesterday.
Did not sleep too well as my brain would not switch off after yesterday's frantic activity.
The road from Lochaline over to Loch Sunart which I slated the other day is actually really scenic but as a driver I cannot really see much beyond the road which needs my full attention. The memories came back to me quickly as I have not been on this road for about 7 years. I used to travel this route about 20 times a year at one point and so it is well implanted in memory.
Even the large sign just before a blind corner which says "Caution uneven road surface" is till there. What this really means is "Large deep potholes over the road for about 50 yards so slow down or lose your tyres and possibly damaged wheels".
You might imagine it would have been fixed by now.
Fond memories rather than the negative ones I posted earlier.
Oh! I'm having fun here trying to put an ad on FB market plaice! I wrote a good description and then thought I would add another picture so I saved what I had written and went to my laptop to download a picture . When I went back to finish my ad all of my works had disappeared!
If I was one of those sub post masters and the terminal had played up I would have found a steam roller ! Their terminal wouldn't have looked anything like shown on the TV.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sat sitting in the car at Tescos while MrsPete pops in for a couple of bits.
It's precipitating it down ☔


Vice Admiral
It’s not been a round years more a gimmick more than anything. You really don’t need it many don’t really work that well. The early ones weighed a ton and never worked. They are fine for really pampered sport turf and perfect formal lawns. But unless it’s flat as and cut within an inch of its life every other day. It’s not worth the extra , if you’ve a choice of two basically same machine go for cheeper one without it. If it’s standard across the range then fine your not wasting anything having it.

If the place you are thinking of going to is anything decent. They should let you play around with them. See which one you like , have a play , how easy is it to set cutting height , how easy is it to clean the cutting deck, how easy is it to do basic maintenance of motor. How easy are they to start up and operate, Is the grass box well made, most at your price point will be fabric which is better than a plastic one.

Many mover placers also do reconditioned ones or ex demo ones. They are worth a look too.
Thank you for your informative reply.

The lawn is not flat, it slopes gently uphill, nor will it be a formal lawn.

Yes, it is the sort of place that customers can have a good look at the various models. I asked about reconditioned ones, but she said that does not often happen with the smaller models.

They sell very large and/or sit-on mowers more suitable for parks etc, and sometimes they have reconditioned ones.
Thank you for your informative reply.

The lawn is not flat, it slopes gently uphill, nor will it be a formal lawn.

Yes, it is the sort of place that customers can have a good look at the various models. I asked about reconditioned ones, but she said that does not often happen with the smaller models.

They sell very large and/or sit-on mowers more suitable for parks etc, and sometimes they have reconditioned ones.

Have you thought about a sheep?

I don't know what became of the cycle chat one ! :whistle:


Thank you for your informative reply.

The lawn is not flat, it slopes gently uphill, nor will it be a formal lawn.

Yes, it is the sort of place that customers can have a good look at the various models. I asked about reconditioned ones, but she said that does not often happen with the smaller models.

They sell very large and/or sit-on mowers more suitable for parks etc, and sometimes they have reconditioned ones.

Sounds like they know the market and are happy to help. You should be able to find something suitable and in your budget.


Vice Admiral
Sounds like they know the market and are happy to help. You should be able to find something suitable and in your budget.

She was very helpful yesterday, giving me the prices of about six models, so I could get an approximate price.

When it comes to servicing, they pick up and return the mower, rather than me handling a heavy machine. I avoid the big places like Q & B and Basehome etc, as finding knowledgeable staff can be challenging. Ideally I would buy a British-made mower from a local independent supplier.
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