Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I spotted an early model Metro on my way home, hadn't seen one in years. I'm not sure those wheels suit it.



If a big red truck turns up, possibly.

That's what use to happen all the time when Mrs 73 use to work at our hospital. Normally it was due to Drs burning toast in the common room.Each time it meant a full on call out pump ladders ,arial ladder the lot. It became a running joke every time they turned up. Some times it was due to the wards bringing toast. In the end they removed all the ward toasters so they have now ask the kitchen when a patient wants any.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a chilly and breezy Suffolk - is it the weekend already?

Yet another slow and relaxed start to the day with a mug of coffee while sat in bed listening to the radio and catching up with the news, interrupted only by a 20 minute catch up with mum on the phone. The only thing on the 'to do' list today is to head up to John Lewis in Ipswich and get a new cereal bowl as the one currently in use has picked up a chip in the rim somehow.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
-18C, trains are not running.
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