Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa went down well
Still dark outside but a hint of light
Decided to wait until we are producing solar power before switching on the washing machine even though it's still night time rate at mo
The Co-op has been going downhill for years, at one time they owned factories and farms for instance in Enderby (where I'm from) there was a boot and shoe factory that employed hundreds, there was also a department store that sold pretty much everything from carpets to washing machines, stereos, televisions, menswear/ladies wear, haberdashery wool (and patterns) with also a separate set of shops including a bakery, greengrocers and a butchers even a bank. all gone now.
Mind you it is possible to stand outside one Co-op (part of the old department store) and look across the road and up the hill a bit to see another Co-op that was formerly a Summerfields but they won't shut that for fear of Lidl/Aldi moving in as competition.:cursing:

The money grabbers got in there.
I think it was Co Op wholesale Society and Co Op Retail Society. I can still remember my mum's membership number.


-3 ice on cars and apparently slippy pavements. Busy day coming up at A&E no doubt.
Nottingham had an enormous Co-Op back in the day of local co-ops, the Greater Nottingham Co-operative Society if IIRC. In hindsight it was slightly oddly located right on the north west fringe of the city centre so once it closed the building became something of a white elephant. You could buy I think almost everything there but that was in a different retail climate where department stores ruled. They also opened one in the now demolished early 1970s Broad Marsh Centre to the southern end of the city which was later sold to Alders.
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Legendary Member
Lovely perambulation this morning on crisp, fresh snow, the joys of being up early.

These conditions always show the superiority of German car engineering by getting stuck going up hills in half an inch of snow and getting in the way of inferior cars.

Now ready to start work for today but I'd rather go out and play in the snow 🌨️


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where for the first time this week it's above zero at this time of the day - the reason is that it's reverted to the traditional grey cloud covering instead of the clear skies we've had. The first coffee of the day has just been finished with breakfast to follow.

Despite the cold I think I'll take the bike for a train ride and treat myself to lunch out.
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