Mundane News

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Leg End Member
2c outside
Minus 2°C, outside, round these parts.


Leg End Member
The Co-op has been going downhill for years, at one time they owned factories and farms for instance in Enderby (where I'm from) there was a boot and shoe factory that employed hundreds, there was also a department store that sold pretty much everything from carpets to washing machines, stereos, televisions, menswear/ladies wear, haberdashery wool (and patterns) with also a separate set of shops including a bakery, greengrocers and a butchers even a bank. all gone now.
Mind you it is possible to stand outside one Co-op (part of the old department store) and look across the road and up the hill a bit to see another Co-op that was formerly a Summerfields but they won't shut that for fear of Lidl/Aldi moving in as competition.:cursing:
We'd a "Co-Op Arcade in the town centre. There you'd find their travel agents, chemists, opticians and their main shop.
All gone now, along with the arcade which has been built into. Gone is the view of the ironwork supporting the glass roof.


Leg End Member
Tuesday could be the coldest January night since 2010, the Met Office has warned.
Temperatures may drop to freezing lows of -15C in parts of Scotland, according to the forecaster.


Legendary Member
Baltic here and not to get above freezing all day. All change by the weekend though.

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