Mundane News

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Apparently I'm groaning !
Can you hear me ?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just failed to get a photo of my musical crow in action. When it caws its body gets all distorted and I wanted to capture it. It did two sets of 4 caws before I got my phone camera into action but then it simply flew away.

So here's a photo of the crow in my living room....


Legendary Member
I misread the weather earlier. Not immediately obvious from looking out my bedroom window in the dark, but we've have a slight covering of snow, especially on the high ground up by the hospital. Was a nice, bracing perambulation this morning. It is starting to freeze.

All ready to start another week's high productivity in gainful employment. 😴

In other news, I put a washing in and there are lumps in my new box of Persil.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
That reminds me on this morning walk I passed the trade 2024 Christmas Gift fair - next Christmas's tat is already being ordered.

We used to do a Trade Fair there in August when we were taking orders for the following year so it is common practice for retailers to order well in advance.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks dry outside but have not checked the outside temperature. Probably cold.
Need to take a lot of assorted bits up to the charity shop container to get rid of them. Perfectly good pans and dishes as well as a set of interior Silver Screens for probably a Fiat Ducato.
Vivid dreams last night as I often have. I seem to be living a perfectly normal life in places I have no knowledge of in my present life with often people I know including my late wife.
Perhaps that is the real life and this is just a dream and I will wake up soon. :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright and clear Suffolk. That's the good news - the bad news is that it's quite breezy and bitterly cold with frost still on the shaded parts of the back garden. It's days like this that the hardest part of getting moving in the mornings is the bit between the duvet and the dressing gown.

No work this week and no plans made to do anything either.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
We got raffle tickets for ever drink bought but I didn't win the hamper, or the litre bottle of Bushmills. :sad:

The only thing I ever won in a raffle was a tin of Jacob's biscuits in about 1990.

I remember willing a bottle of (I think) fortified wine in a raffle in the school grounds which the headmasters wife swiftly removed & replaced with something more 'suitable'. :laugh:
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