Mundane News

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Leg End Member
We used to do a Trade Fair there in August when we were taking orders for the following year so it is common practice for retailers to order well in advance.
I bought my first Easter Egg, in many a year, on the 16th of December, last year.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Sunshine and blue skies here, and very cold.

Same here in West Yorkshire. I've got to go to Manchester (velodrome) and Stockport (wheel collection) later. I hope it stays this way, but given it always seems to be raining when I go to Manchester, probably not.

However, it looks like I've got the track to myself between 6 and 7pm this evening as currently I'm the only one booked onto the session.
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-24C, wearing cold weather clothes.

I know it's cold when I wear fleece over fleece
Apparently I'm groaning !
Can you hear me ?

maybe it's time for a negroni?



Well it worked out well in the end. Was to be a day in the office with a lunchtime nip to the docs for a blood test. But then my mobile rang. Doctors reception cancelling the blood test. Explained I needed it for the hospital tomorrow, so they told me to go there.

Flip, that's stuffed the day. Cancelled the afternoon desk booking and headed off the hospital in the car. I wasn't the only person making an unexpected visit but in somewhat better circumstances than whoever had been taken their by the air ambulance that was sat on the grass of the Stray.

Horrible car park. One of those with minimum sized parking spaces such that you drive pass an empty one before you see it's empty. Tried to get in one and gave up so headed to far depths of the car park where I found around a curve a stack of nice wider drive straight into spaces.

Into the hospital and found the queue for blood tests. My ticket said 46, the counter said 26. Um..back to the car to retrieve my sandwiches and the apple and then to the hospital cafe for a tea. The counter was at 38 when I rejoined the queue and it moved along pretty quickly such that I was out within a hour of arriving having feared a 3 hour wait.

Whilst there a bad weather warning for Wednesday was issued so on the way home it occurred to me it would be an idea to do the week's work visits rather than leaving them to Thursday. Cold but blue skies and sunny. Having got quite cold in the wind near Menwith, then passing along a deserted, bar one other car, Way of the Roses around Brimham Rocks which may be pretty tricky later on the week, it was quite pleasant in Ripon whilst in the sun. One cyclist spotted on the A61 which was one more than I expecting.


Well it worked out well in the end. Was to be a day in the office with a lunchtime nip to the docs for a blood test. But then my mobile rang. Doctors reception cancelling the blood test. Explained I needed it for the hospital tomorrow, so they told me to go there.

Flip, that's stuffed the day. Cancelled the afternoon desk booking and headed off the hospital in the car. I wasn't the only person making an unexpected visit but in somewhat better circumstances than whoever had been taken their by the air ambulance that was sat on the grass of the Stray.

Horrible car park. One of those with minimum sized parking spaces such that you drive pass an empty one before you see it's empty. Tried to get in one and gave up so headed to far depths of the car park where I found around a curve a stack of nice wider drive straight into spaces.

Into the hospital and found the queue for blood tests. My ticket said 46, the counter said 26. Um..back to the car to retrieve my sandwiches and the apple and then to the hospital cafe for a tea. The counter was at 38 when I rejoined the queue and it moved along pretty quickly such that I was out within a hour of arriving having feared a 3 hour wait.

Whilst there a bad weather warning for Wednesday was issued so on the way home it occurred to me it would be an idea to do the week's work visits rather than leaving them to Thursday. Cold but blue skies and sunny. Having got quite cold in the wind near Menwith, then passing along a deserted, bar one other car, Way of the Roses around Brimham Rocks which may be pretty tricky later on the week, it was quite pleasant in Ripon whilst in the sun. One cyclist spotted on the A61 which was one more than I expecting.

I used to attend Bournemouth Hospital for my blood tests. It was always rammed and I got relly good at estimating waiting times. I'd take my ticket and then walk the perimeter of the Hospital ( It's a big Hospital ) amd pop my head round the door to see where the counter had got to before heading out on another lap. I'd been following this routine for a few years and mentioned to my Consultant how I usually got a fair few steps in on the days that I came for Blood tests. She seemed puzzled and asked why. I explained it to her and she asked why I didn't use the dedicatd facility for oncology patients that was attached to the unit. Of course, I hadn't realised there was one...
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