Mundane News

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things are looking up! actually just spent 10 minutes on the floor of my office looking up at the ceiling ... as it spun :wacko:
I've never had a Pret Sandwich 🥪
Just saying..

a what?


Vice Admiral
I am looking at the boat trips I could do around the islands of Stockholm archipelago. I hope the lounge areas of those boats are well heated.
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It's been a grey and mild day here chez Casa Reynard, with the odd bit of passing drizzle.

Slept well (toasty warm bed) and spent the morning turning some of yesterday's lumberjilling efforts into useable logs. Had two rye bagel thins for luncheon, one filled with seafood sticks & mayonnaise, and the other with that fantastic goat's milk camembert, plus a tangerine, a banana and two :cuppa:

After that, played taxi service for the parental, and then when we got back, did some work on the database and watched the Trump v Carter match. One of the most entertaining matches I've seen in a while.

Had a bitsas supper tonight - finished the red cabbage, clapshot, quiche, baked beans and had some chocolate mousse for afters.

Much of the evening has been spent working on the database and watching the Allen v Selby match.


Legendary Member
I had my gall bladder removed around 25-30 years ago after suffering from a single gallstone that turned out to be the size of a bird's egg (I still have it in a jar somewhere) and can remember the discomfort & pain before it was removed. This was before they had introduced keyhole surgery and I still the remnants of the 4 or 5 inch scar on my stomach.
Found the jar...
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