Mundane News

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all this is washing away & now we have thick fog
snowy wheel 2.jpg


Legendary Member
Bored now. Plus it's too early for the last coffee before home time.


Had one of those annoying tailgaters this morning whilst doing work visits. The only just wide enough for two vehicles 60mph constant reverse curve double white lined section of the B6265 east of Ripon. Tried to
overtake on the exit of every left bend despite their also being procession of cars in front also doing 40. Pratt. Now if I had 007s car....


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Had one of those annoying tailgaters this morning whilst doing work visits. The only just wide enough for two vehicles 60mph constant reverse curve double white lined section of the B6265 east of Ripon. Tried to
overtake on the exit of every left bend despite their also being procession of cars in front also doing 40. Pratt. Now if I had 007s car....
This might do the trick.

A Brrrrrrrrright and Chhhhhhhhilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept ok-ish - my right arm kept getting pins and needles during the night, so woke up a couple of times. Spent the morning with a friend walking on some local trails with her dogs. My Altura winter cycling gloves kept my hands nice and toasty. Gave her a piece of the turkey, leek & bacon quiche. Also stopped off at the book exchange on the way home, and picked out two for the parental.

This afternoon's tasks include emptying the wood from the trailer so that I can get another load in tomorrow given that next week's forecast is not looking terribly stellar, and topping up the wood bins in the house. I also need to spend some time working on the drawings database. Watching some snooker is also on the agenda.

First though, it is time for luncheon (someone wants their chicken).
Each snowdrop appears 6 times.

I know it's weird. I wonder if my phone had a long shutter speed. I was using a cree led flashlight. I wonder if those emit light at a fast pulse that can't be recognized by the human eye

just read this on quora

LED lights can flicker when used as photo or video lighting due to a phenomenon called pulse-width modulation (PWM). PWM is a method used to control the brightness of the LED by rapidly turning the light on and off. When the frequency of this on-off cycle is not synchronized with the shutter speed of the camera, it can result in flickering. This flicker may not be visible to the naked eye, but it can be captured by the camera, especially at certain shutter speeds or frame rates. To avoid flicker, it's important to use LED lights with a high-frequency PWM or look for lights specifically designed for flicker-free operation in photo and video applications.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice and sunny but still bitterly cold so went up to get some things from my top shed. First time I have been up there for at least a month and not good news.
Floor all wet and one of the windows is near falling out as the wood around it is rotten. Major job to fix that. Access outside the window is not good either as a buddlia needs major trimming as well as the artichoke stems which should have been cut back ready for burning.
My greenhouse is a jungle inside so that needs clearing out. The vine which I had cut back has grown again but not too sure I want it now. The grapes were nice but cannot be bothered nowadays.
Plenty work as soon as this cold snap eases off.
Strange it looks like somebody borrowed my ladders and did not replace them where they normally live. We have had gales but they never moved before.
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