Mundane News

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Legendary Member
It's called Weetabix

Weetabix being produced.

R (12).jpeg


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I see that people are beginning to complain about car headlights being too bright. I have found that one model of Hyundai is bl**dy ridiculous! It forms a blindingly brilliant inverted triangle made up of several horizontal bars.

The move to LED headlights appears to be causing this imho. It's getting difficult to see on busy roads. SWMBO commutes on the motorway and drivers on full beam make it worse. (RAC survey from 2022 showing 4 in 10 thinking they're too bright)


Legendary Member
Good morning from a chilly office in Felixstowe where the first cuppa of the day has just been finished and I'm waiting for the caffeine to take effect. Another cold cycle commute with enhanced wind chill, but it looks like it's going to be another bright & sunny day.

The works PC has already had one re-start due to an update just 20 minutes into the day.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Bin's have bin emptied.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another freezing day and still just below freezing. During the night it got down to -4.6C but inside my bedroom is not quite as bad as yesterday at 16.4C.
I wonder how often people try to get into the wrong car?
My wife once got into another business van parked outside our shop and thought it was a dreadful mess inside before she realised her mistake and nearly drove off. Same make, model and colour tho' ours had signwriting on the sides which she failed to notice.
DIL's mother in supermarket car park opened the back door of a car, dumped her shopping and then sat in the front seat announcing "right take me home now" before she realised it was not her son in the driver's seat. :ohmy:


Itching to get back on my bike's
The best breakfast cereal dust must be Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - the last dregs of the packet plus the dust left to soak in cold milk for 5 or 10 minutes to give a wonderfully sweet mush.

Our granddaughter has started to save me all her cereal boxes that have the dust in and she makes a point of doing getting them out whenever we have breakfast at the same time
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