Mundane News

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On Country File a few minutes ago they said that ammonia from farms getting into rivers makes them more acidic!
I find that hard to believe considering ammonia is an alkaline! :wacko:


Leg End Member
I probably should consider a haircut before I look like a cross between Brian May and Albert Einstein holding on to a Van den Graff generator.
Like the one on the right?
A lazy day today after a busy one yesterday.

Had a fabby day stewarding at the Capital / Eastern LH & SLH shows. The cat cuddles were wonderful, getting biffed was not. Oddly, the cat that went for me was one I that know quite well, but for some reason, she just did NOT want to be handled yesterday. I got cracked across the scalp with the claws out, but mercifully, other than a bit of a bruise, no major damage done, as her claws got tangled in my hair. Apparently she also threw a strop at the Supreme as well, but I didn't know that, because I had spent the day handling Siamese and Orientals. Either way, it's a withholding offence, so she was unplaced in her main class, which then led to her owner also throwing a bit of a strop.

Once I'd done stewarding, I was co-opted into handing out certificates - which largely involves trotting around the show hall putting fancypants cards on the pens. It is a good way to see the cats, though. One friend went overall best in one show with her tabby & white Persian, while the friend I travelled with had best non-pedigree in both shows, and overall household pet in another.

Other than laundering my white coat and watching the football (less said about that the better), I have done diddly squat today. Slept nearly 12 hours last night and feel all the better for it.

Madam Lexi has been fed, time I had a rummage in the fridge to see what I fancy.


Silencing his legs regularly
A lazy day today after a busy one yesterday.

Had a fabby day stewarding at the Capital / Eastern LH & SLH shows. The cat cuddles were wonderful, getting biffed was not. Oddly, the cat that went for me was one I that know quite well, but for some reason, she just did NOT want to be handled yesterday. I got cracked across the scalp with the claws out, but mercifully, other than a bit of a bruise, no major damage done, as her claws got tangled in my hair. Apparently she also threw a strop at the Supreme as well, but I didn't know that, because I had spent the day handling Siamese and Orientals. Either way, it's a withholding offence, so she was unplaced in her main class, which then led to her owner also throwing a bit of a strop.

Once I'd done stewarding, I was co-opted into handing out certificates - which largely involves trotting around the show hall putting fancypants cards on the pens. It is a good way to see the cats, though. One friend went overall best in one show with her tabby & white Persian, while the friend I travelled with had best non-pedigree in both shows, and overall household pet in another.

Other than laundering my white coat and watching the football (less said about that the better), I have done diddly squat today. Slept nearly 12 hours last night and feel all the better for it.

Madam Lexi has been fed, time I had a rummage in the fridge to see what I fancy.

Stewarding? So that's actual cat herding, then? :smile:


I'm watching Alan Titchmarsh' programme Dorset Country and Coast on TV. They just visited Lyme Regis which they said was famous for it's fossils .
That's not very nice calling it's old people that! :whistle:

The Wessex Ridgeway trail finishes in the Beer garden of a pub in Uplyme. That's what I call excellent route planning 🍺🍺


Legendary Member
For the first time in many weeks, the recycling bin is out front ready for emptying. The normal day is Monday and most of my neighbours have theirs out already, but according to the Council's web site it's not due to be done until Tuesday (Chr***mas/New Year catch up?). I don't care which day it's done as long as it gets done because the bin is full.
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