Mundane News

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A barmy 4 degrees max and drizzling. Presently stood outside IKEA awaiting the 10am browsing opening. Passed a number of cyclists heading in the opposite direction on the A61.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The forecast says mist today but in fact it is thick fog which is very rare here.
My outside thermometer refuses to connect to the indoors bit so no idea of temperature. The outdoor sender is in the middle of a bush and so far has always worked. New batteries as well. Need to find a better place for the sender.

Ferries seem to be running as normal tho' in summer if foggy they often get cancelled as there are too many yachts which are invisible to radar likely to get run down.
I remember in the early 1970's MV Columba coming into Craignure and completely invisible in the fog. We could hear her
fog horn approaching and a man was at the end of the pier with a tin tray and a hammer.
One blast on the horn followed by battering the tin tray until she appeared slowly out of the fog and berthed.
This sounds like a made up story but I was there and witnessed this.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the weather has reverted to the traditional grey & gloomy with occasional drizzle in the air as well.

The first cuppa of the day is long done and, although my preference is not to do domestics on the weekend, there's some ironing that needs to be done after a very late breakfast due to being out on Monday when this sort of thing would normally be done. There should still be plenty of time for an afternoon stroll IF the conditional allow.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Dog has been walked... 🐶
Time to visit No1 daughter & Granddaughter for a cuppa.

Have spoken to broken into neighbour and she said that the rapscallions that smashed her patio doors to gain entry had damaged a gate on someone's garden in the next road down and got over several fences to her garden. Unfortunately, nothing shows on our cameras as they didn't come through ours!


Today will see the finals of the European Elvis Championships held in Birmingham.
This snipped of mundane news also gives me the opportunity to tell my favourite knock knock joke ( for the nth time )

Knock Knock
" Who's there? "
" Wurlitzer "
" Wurlitzer who? "
" Wurlitzer One for the Money..."

Sorry, I'll get my coat...
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