Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That's work finished for the next 5 days. I might have a snooze on the settee celebrate!
still have cold symptoms, tho mild. called out from my Sunday job because I don't want to work doing physical labor w/ a mask with a cough & congestion. I feel so lame but the manager was like: "yeah we don't need more sick ppl in here" or something like that, he kind of mumbled his words at the end ...

so now I get to play in the snow storm & help shuffle the cars in our condo complex
still have cold symptoms, tho mild. called out from my Sunday job because I don't want to work doing physical labor w/ a mask with a cough & congestion. I feel so lame but the manager was like: "yeah we don't need more sick ppl in here" or something like that, he kind of mumbled his words at the end ...

so now I get to play in the snow storm & help shuffle the cars in our condo complex
Don't bother sending your snow over here thanks..


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Today's Guardian is giving me the weather for Darton. I had to look it up. 6C and grey - just like here.


Legendary Member
I don't know why I try to be optomistic about the weather as the cloud cover returned about 10 minutes after I set off on the bike and there were even a few very light sprinkles of rain. Despite that I thouroughly enjoyed the ride once I'd warmed up.

Now, when do you think Anglian Water will be imposing the hosepipe ban?
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