Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Last day of work this week :wahhey:


Car taken to the garage, dead batteries dropped off at B&Q and the bag of used coffee pods that were rejected before Christmas accepted today by the nearby corner shop. Then found a dumb self serve checkout in the Co-Op which failed to recognise a birthday card as being "bagged" and then did the same thing with a 450g bag of muesli.
Contemplating a new sofa, existing has partly collapsed in terms of seating support at one end. Was from IKEA over 20 years ago so might go for another from there.


All at sea⛵
I can get along with the mirror in the bathroom, it's the guy who gets in the lift with a mirror and the cruellest lighting that I disown.

When all those girls look so hot!


All at sea⛵
It's precipitating down.
Have errands all over the town.
The household car seems to have been assigned elsewhere.
Have to get clarity on who gave up their car when we became a single car household. Seems it was me.
So have to cycle.
Style dilemma - I have a cycling cape. Remember those?
Well this one is camo green and came from China
The photo implied you could use it to bivvy a family of four. But the model in the photo must only be 3 feet tall.
So its waterproof trousers, road menders hi vis coat and helmet liner.
Resigned to my feet getting wet.

Hey ho, onwards, fill up the breech, for Wales, Owain, St David and all that

Seems to have stopped raining. I'm off, now!


Legendary Member
Good morning from a thoroughly wet, miserable, overcast & windy Suffolk. To go with last night's rain there's been constant showers and the wind has shifted direction so it's now on the back of the house where my bedroom is leading to a disturbed night's sleep. As a result the lure of the warm duvet has overcome the need to get up and actually do something other than put a load of washing on and make coffee.
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