Mundane News

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Mild, blustery and hosing it down with rain here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept in. Madam Lexi is still asleep on my bed AFAIK. I have done a load of laundry this morning and planned what I'm going to be cooking for the next few days.

This afternoon, I'll be back in the depths of the IMechE archive to finish off that part of the research on this project and then write up my findings on the engines. Some of it does not match what is in the publicly-available literature, which is unsurprising, given no one seems to have been mad enough to go through each of the 697 drawings for that particular engine type in the archive. If they had, then the literature would have been correct.

I now have enough information to ask my historian / bookseller friend with whom I'm working on this project to contact a museum that we know has engine drawings for two of the cars in question in their own archive. They also have one of the cars. I need to know whether the engine project codes and customer numbers matches those from the collection we are cataloguing. If they do, then we have a cut-and-shut provenance on the stack of engine drawings. If they don't, it's back to the drawing board...

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


All at sea⛵
We have an etiquette dilemma.
Friends from way back, arrived from Germany to spend New Year with us.
That was 30th December. Neither of us clarified their onward travel plans.
Now we are beginning to wonder, but cannot really ask. There has been talk of "open ferry ticket" but some vagueness about when they return to work.
To be continued........

Under the guise of planning catering needs I asked them. Now I know they leave at 0600 on Thursday.
I have not seen that hour for many years. They'll probably want breakfast too.
But they are good fun and provide a base for cycling in the summer.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Could not get a dryish bit to get out for a walk but went out by car for a short look around. Not very satisfactory but best I could manage.
I feel sorry for those who feel they have to give up cycling because it is too dangerous. There are roads I would not cycle on nowadays but so far I have always found a way round that problem.
Only once here was I potentially in danger when a Range Rover attempted to overtake a bus and could have hit me but that was prevented by the bus driver who pulled over and blocked the overtake.
If I could not get out on my trike I have no idea how I would manage as walking for any distance is not safe for me.
For those with balance problems a trike is the answer.

Reading an account of a trip to Shetland I came on a glaring error.
Arbroath Smokies are smoked haddock.
Smoked herring are kippers and not Arbroath Smokies as the author states.
If you ever get the chance to get the real Smokies they are delicious.
Careful tho’ as I have seen dyed imitation ones as most of the so called kippers are nowadays.
Mebbe I should have put that last bit in food and drink but cannot be bothered changing it now.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I had to don my wooly hat and a coat to put the bins out ready for the morning collection.
I enjoyed wearing the hat as I'd taken it off the radiator where it'd dried out after this morning's dog walkies.
It was lovely and warm!! 🔥

Hat synthetic made in China? They used to get us very annoyed when we were the main UK manufacturers of real wool hats.



Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Could not get a dryish bit to get out for a walk but went out by car for a short look around. Not very satisfactory but best I could manage.
I feel sorry for those who feel they have to give up cycling because it is too dangerous. There are roads I would not cycle on nowadays but so far I have always found a way round that problem.
Only once here was I potentially in danger when a Range Rover attempted to overtake a bus and could have hit me but that was prevented by the bus driver who pulled over and blocked the overtake.
If I could not get out on my trike I have no idea how I would manage as walking for any distance is not safe for me.
For those with balance problems a trike is the answer.

Reading an account of a trip to Shetland I came on a glaring error.
Arbroath Smokies are smoked haddock.
Smoked herring are kippers and not Arbroath Smokies as the author states.
If you ever get the chance to get the real Smokies they are delicious.
Careful tho’ as I have seen dyed imitation ones as most of the so called kippers are nowadays.
Mebbe I should have put that last bit in food and drink but cannot be bothered changing it now.

I only recently had Arbroath Smokies and they were delicious, tender and very delicately flavoured - nothing like kippers.

The wind has brought down all the scaffolding outside CyclesUK in Greenwich. I hope no one was cycling past at the time - it's a very busy cycle route these days.
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