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Itching to get back on my bike's
You'll end up getting up early tomorrow.

That suits me fine as i could get up and go for a ride before doing my blood donation
A very mild Christmas Day here chez Casa Reynard. Dry till early afternoon, and then raining intermittently since.

Slept in, then opened pressies over a nice :cuppa: - I got really spoiled. :blush: Then a lovely luncheon of sourdough toast, fancy Italian ham, brie and cranberry sauce, plus some fruit to finish and two :cuppa:

The friend who I go dog walking with, and to cat shows with, stopped by for a :cuppa: and some cake, and to pick up her share of yesterday's yellow stickerage. Except for the turkey, as I've yet to debone that. I shall do that tomorrow evening. After, I puttered about in the kitchen. I am about to pull the slow-roast pork out of the oven and let it rest while the roasties finish off at a hotter temperature.

Not looked at my phone or turned the TV on all day. Just how I like it.

Madam Lexi had some fresh tuna for her Xmas dinner. Soon it will be time for me to eat mine. :hungry:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Christmas journey done; we got to the Vale of Belvoir to find I'd left part of the starter course behind! It turned out we didn't need it.

Dinner warmed / prepared and the five of us sat with a spare place for my mum; we'd left a chair out, lit a candle in her place and left a cracker spare. Thanks to whoever posted that previously on here as I picked up on the suggestion. It went well, with us recognising her being gone and her memory but the process of 'moving on' starting.

Now home, but tired. I'm back down later this week to start funeral planning with the undertaker, and to tackle some family issues. The world would be much simpler without interfering family members.
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Christmas journey done; we got to Lincoln to find I'd left part of the starter course behind! It turned out we didn't need it.

Dinner warmed / prepared and the five of us sat with a spare place for my mum; we'd left a chair out, lit a candle in her place and left a cracker spare. Thanks to whoever posted that previously on here as I picked up on the suggestion. It went well, with us recognising her being gone and her memory but the process of 'moving on' starting.

Now home, but tired. I'm back down later this week to start funeral planning with the undertaker, and to tackle some family issues. The world would be much simpler without interfering family members.
Glad all went as good as it could.We raised a glass in memory of mil.


Legendary Member
Despite the weather predictions it stayed dry all morning, so I was able to nip out and get a 15 mile ride in. Due to the state of some of the roads after the overnight rain, I did have to stop at about half way and knock some mud from the mudguards. It also stayed dry for the ride to mum's for lunch, but I packed the waterproofs just in case and they were much needed for the return trip.

The volume of sausage rolls & chocolates that I have eaten is probably more than in a normal main meal, and then there's the multiple helpings of the full roast dinner to go with that and I'm completely stuffed!

Tomorrow it all happens again, but with a cold buffet instead of the roast and my sister, brother in law and niece in attendace when we do the present opening thing. My nephew will be missing out as he's working a 12 hour shift at the local granny farm old persons' care home.
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So stuffed... To the point I couldn't finish my serving of Christmas pudding :blush:

Did a beautiful slow-roast shoulder of pork with orange & sage, fondant potatoes (the joint was sat on top of the potatoes), red cabbage braised in cider, cranberry sauce and pan-fried apple slices with rosemary & chilli.

And then Christmas pudding & custard.

Have to say, brining the pork joint for 24 hours made it so juicy and tender. Although I only used a quarter of the salt recommended in the recipe I found online - which admittedly was for a much bigger joint. The glaze of orange, sage, garlic, fennel seed, balsamic vinegar and honey was bloody lovely, though the overall flavour was more subtle and delicate than I was expecting. Didn't make it any less nice - I'm *definitely* doing that again, as it was really worth the effort. :hungry:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I did not get many presents, which is fine by me. Two books and a beautiful Scotland calendar.

I also got one totally unexpected present, from someone who never usually sends presents.

I got a Panasonic G5 camera (used) and a calendar from a nearby Chinese Restaurant. Mrs. GA got costume jewelry, which she loved. We do not go big on Christmas, seems to get in the way of the meaning of the holiday.
Dinner warmed / prepared and the five of us sat with a spare place for my mum; we'd left a chair out, lit a candle in her place and left a cracker spare. Thanks to whoever posted that previously on here as I picked up on the suggestion. It went well, with us recognising her being gone and her memory but the process of 'moving on' starting.

Probably me, as leaving a spare place setting for absent friends / unexpected guests at the Christmas table is a Polish tradition.

There's even a Christmas Carol about it (Kolęda dla Nieobecnych)
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