Mundane News

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Mrs P has finished her advent jigsaw puzzle,and this is the pudding from Miss P.


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Itching to get back on my bike's
Another jigsaw session with a cuppa.
Have named the turkey we have tomorrow Esmeralda as it's a posh m&s crown .


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just sent my last Christmas email. I told my Swiss cousin that I was intending to send him a card but the postbox wouldn't let me.

I came across this letter box a week ago and passed it again last night. It's moved a couple of yards over the week. The indentations on its cap indicate that it's been knocked over a couple of times. And I still have no idea whatsoever why it's there!


Leg End Member
Light rain but the clouds are moving at a fair rate and forecast to get faster as the day goes on.
Usual ferry warnings but strangely most sailings went as advertised yesterday tho' one person described conditions on the short crossing as being " a bit hairy ".
I hope to get out today for a short walk at least as being indoors all day is soul destroying.
For some unknown reason I cannot post photos from this Macbook but have to email them to my ipad. Since many are on an external hard drive there is a convoluted route via the photo file before they can go on line. The external drive of course cannot connect directly to the ipad so nothing is ever simple.
What this leads up to is that I will post a photo of the external view of the Italian Chapel later.
Try Bluetooth transfer for pictures.


Legendary Member
Attention attention,ladies and gentlemen you have fifty mins till the supermarket closes.Thank you.
I think the driver of the car I saw speeding into the Lidl car park at 15:59 this afternoon must have missed this public sevice announcement :laugh:


Leg End Member
Clare County Fire Service is reminding the public to keep fire temperatures low tonight to ensure safe passage for a special guest.

A spokes-elf for the North Pole has confirmed that Father Christmas will be descending down the chimnies of Clare tonight to deliver very important cargo to almost 25,000 local children.

In light of the major visit, families are advised to leave decorations neat and tidy to prevent trip hazards and to put out any candles on the landing ground.

Clare Chief Fire Officer Adrian Kelly says Santa needs the help of all boys and girls to deliver gifts safely.
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