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Legendary Member
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Santa's on his way!! 🎅 🤶

I hope he has the appropriate licence for his vehicle.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light rain but the clouds are moving at a fair rate and forecast to get faster as the day goes on.
Usual ferry warnings but strangely most sailings went as advertised yesterday tho' one person described conditions on the short crossing as being " a bit hairy ".
I hope to get out today for a short walk at least as being indoors all day is soul destroying.
For some unknown reason I cannot post photos from this Macbook but have to email them to my ipad. Since many are on an external hard drive there is a convoluted route via the photo file before they can go on line. The external drive of course cannot connect directly to the ipad so nothing is ever simple.
What this leads up to is that I will post a photo of the external view of the Italian Chapel later.


Waken up at 2 in the morning by the dog who was despite to go out side. So once sorted back to bed did get some sleep still around 4:30.
Got up as normal once dog walk done a trip to tesco for milk and flowers for the house. Somthing my mum always did to remember my Grandmother. She said it was better to have at home and enjoy them than left at the grave. So I now do it for my mum.
Last minute cleaning and flowers on the fire place, white sauces made. Time for a rest up a milky coffee with a good dash of Baileys and a mice pie and mince meat muffin. Before a nice bath hot roast sandwich or two, pork pie , Christmas cake and cheese. Together with a pint of black sheep. oh and few mince pies long the way. Than Christmas has officially begun. :santa:🎄:cheers:

So see you all on the other side , what ever you end up going have a great Christmas. Doing what ever you like to do in your own way.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk. Looks like we had a bit of rain overnight and it's yet another overcast and very windy day out there. I was awake nice and early this morning and thinking about getting a cuppa, but the warmth of the duvet proved too much so I rolled over and had another hour's doze.
There would be a few PB’s on Strava if I headed west. It’s blowing a hoolie up here. A walk will have to do.
I think that will be my plan for a bit later on as I'm fed up of struggling into the headwinds - a stroll into town in about an hour's time, grab a coffee or hot chocolate, drink that while walking along the prom and then home. Should be about 6 miles/2 hours to fill out the afternoon quite nicely - as long as it doesn't rain.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Pretty standard design for both the Episcopal/Anglican, Presbyterian, and Lutheran Churches around here, but this one was the first, in the early 1950s, and copied verbatim a number of times. The windows are bespoke lesson windows, including a rare representation of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

I imagine most of the sound gets lost in the roof. I know of a similar building in Chester.


Vice Admiral

Waken up at 2 in the morning by the dog who was despite to go out side. So once sorted back to bed did get some sleep still around 4:30.
Got up as normal once dog walk done a trip to tesco for milk and flowers for the house. Somthing my mum always did to remember my Grandmother. She said it was better to have at home and enjoy them than left at the grave. So I now do it for my mum.
Last minute cleaning and flowers on the fire place, white sauces made. Time for a rest up a milky coffee with a good dash of Baileys and a mice pie and mince meat muffin. Before a nice bath hot roast sandwich or two, pork pie , Christmas cake and cheese. Together with a pint of black sheep. oh and few mince pies long the way. Than Christmas has officially begun. :santa:🎄:cheers:

So see you all on the other side , what ever you end up going have a great Christmas. Doing what ever you like to do in your own way.

I thought I was just me who liked mice pies!
I imagine most of the sound gets lost in the roof. I know of a similar building in Chester.

I've found these buildings are built for singing, but not much else; when I worked with a theatre team we disliked this style of building because the sound would 'vanish' about five metres from the communion rail. It was as if they were built for sound to travel from the back, not the front.
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