Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
At 6.45pm whilst getting things ready for remote-cooking and transport of Christmas dinner to my Dad's I had a look at the organic Christmas cake and Christmas pudding I'd used some of my prize vouchers for.

Panic! :ohmy:

The Christmas cake was plain and the Christmas pudding needed steaming for 2 hours then simmering.

A dash to the local Co-Op - all Christmas items put away and Easter stuff out :blink: - then a small Tesco - nice Christmas cake with marzipan and icing plus a nice Christmas pudding that's quick-cook.

Panic over and the organic stuff can be used another day.

Now I've got to cook the lot, minus quick stuff, and transport it to the Vale of Belvoir tomorrow via Lincoln where we're collecting son no. 1 whilst keeping the chilled items chilled and the cooked items warm.
Sitting here in my onesie with a :cuppa: watching Midnight mass from Portsmouth Cathedral.

Had a lovely Wigilia this evening of potato soup, pickled herrings in cream sauce, then steamed salmon, an array of salads and some crusty bread, followed by apples, pears & dried fruits baked in red wine. The poppy seed cake and gingerbreads got left unopened.

Went yellow stickering in Tesco earlier. The turkey scrum was hilarious. I now have a five and a half kilo turkey to debone and share with the friend I go walking with. Amongst other things.


Leg End Member
Since it's now after midnight, Merry Christmas to all the lovely Mundaners xxx :hugs:
The same to thee and thine
Merry Christmas to you all. safe travels

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