Mundane News

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Last night, whilst at that guy's house, the conversation of Submarines came up (like it does...).

Anyway, the phrase

"Do you know, there are more Submarines in the sky than in the sea?"

Came up. We tried to correct him, but he then told us that we can't prove him wrong, because there could secretly be a giant magnet suspended somewhere and they are all stuck to it! 😆😆😆


Legendary Member
My dad & stempmum are supposed to be heading to Cornwall on Friday to spend Chr***mas with my stepsister, but their intended driver for the first half of the trip is apparently unwell and I have a feeling I may be tapped up to take their place. The last thing I want to be doing on the last Friday before Chr***mas is spend the day dealing with the traffic chaos on the A12, M25 and M4.


Legendary Member
I was at the pub last night and one way or another ended up at a guy's house afterwards.

Anyway, he and another were smoking weed (classy, I know).
I was rather drunk and decided to have a couple of puffs out of curiosity.

All I can say is NEVER AGAIN, I am still coughing at the thought and the thing just seemed so dirty and utterly manky.🤮
Never mind that, I still feel all dirty now too and I need to wash my clothes to get rid of the smell. ☺️

Yet again, the appeal of smoking continues to utterly baffle me. 🙄

I must admit that the appeal of smoking baffles me too nowadays. Just a pity I had to smoke for about 20 years to work that out! :banghead:

I never did get appeal of weed though, and the smell of it is even worse than normal tobacco.xx(


Legendary Member
I went out for my ten mile loop and managed to dodge the rain. Still quite windy

I then did my stretching exercises and another bit of my jig saw. My MG T-series is now car shaped. :becool:

I added a little water to my cactus and my yukka plant.

Will just read a bit now before bed.
I enjoyed SPOTY and the Hairy Bikers, I ate too many crisps (I should not buy cheese-flavoured snacks in large bags, they're FAR too tempting), and now I'm about to make another :cuppa: and dive back into that archive.

Adding to the general sense of aaaaaargh, one engine has a sub-variant which I've not seen documented before, and another engine has three different sub-variants - all documented, but no one seems to be clear as to which one is which. The latter is why there is so much confusion over what engine type belongs to which code and why literature from different sources doesn't actually match.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Last night, whilst at that guy's house, the conversation of Submarines came up (like it does...).

Anyway, the phrase

"Do you know, there are more Submarines in the sky than in the sea?"

Came up. We tried to correct him, but he then told us that we can't prove him wrong, because there could secretly be a giant magnet suspended somewhere and they are all stuck to it! 😆😆😆

Now, that man is high. More than a couple of puffs going on there.
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