Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Does a bigger monitor mean that they can inflict more work on you 😣

Hopefully not.

I have two monitors side by side. As I often need to look at a lot of documents it is good to have extra viewing space. Some people set it up so they can use their laptop screen as a third screen. My desk wouldn't be big enough for that.

I have a colleague, also working from home, who has never even removed the monitors he was supplied with from box and sits on the sofa all day with the laptop on his knees. I have no idea how he can work like that. We have occasional ergonomic assessments by video call and I think the woman who does them have him a serious telling off about it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It's not worth making waves with the Vat man people don't realise what power they have. If they want to go looking they can just turn up and look. Nothing is off limits every thing is checked line by line , till roll by till roll. They look into every thing and don't miss anything.

My mates boss was the account of the company when the owner died he bought it. He is one of the leading accountants in the leisure industry. A few years ago he even got VAT law changed when he worked out. A formula for calming VAT back on children's bowling shoe hire. Before he worked out a way no-one ever though anything was a miss. Another company went overboard with it though claiming it back on all hire now the Vat man is investing.

I dealt with Customs and Excise for 20 years in the whisky industry and so was very familiar with their way of working and some of them moved over to VAT.
I sometimes took liberties tho' as we had to ask for permission in writing to alter anything, even the run of a water pipe. This had been agreed verbally anyway and was just a formality.
I ended my letters
You remain my
Obedient Servant
Signature Manager.

They were after all Civil Servants tho' they did bluster a bit sometimes. I was friendly with their superior officer who just laughed. :whistle:
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a disappointingly overcast and breezy Suffolk. I think there may be a few sore heads among my work colleagues judging by the state of some of them when I finally left the do yesterday evening, but it seems a good time was had by all that attended.

Back to work tomorrow for the first time in December so I need to get myself back into the working week routine - there's a bit of ironing and some other domestics that need doing which should help, plus I need to get out and get the food in for the week.


Legendary Member
I dealt with Customs and Excise for 20 years in the whisky industry and so was very familiar with their way of working and some of them moved over to VAT.
I sometimes took liberties tho' as we had to ask for permission in writing to alter anything, even the run of a water pipe. This had been agreed verbally anyway and was just a formality.
I ended my letters
You remain my
Obedient Servant
Signature Manager.

They were after all Civil Servants tho' they did bluster a bit sometimes. I was friendly with their superior officer who just laughed. :whistle:

There are some of us old school (ex) Customs types that do have a sense of humour and prefer to do things the way that work rather than the way they are supposed to be done. This is very much frowned upon now which is why I'm glad to be getting out of the successor organisation.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My last post above does not show as I wrote it and it refuses to do as told.

Anyway another damp morning and not too much wind for a change.
A normal Monday in that a morning ferry cancelled due to a faulty generator and an afternoon one on a different boat doubtful due to a radar system not working.
Cannot sail after dark or in poor visibility.
If I am going anywhere important I now book a day before the appointment and stay overnight on the mainland. Those with no such free facility just have to accept what fate throws at them and sprachle along as best as possible.
We had a more reliable service 50 years ago but then we did not have the infestation of touroid and life was as normal on a Hebridean island reliant on forestry and farming mostly.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
There are some of us old school (ex) Customs types that do have a sense of humour and prefer to do things the way that work rather than the way they are supposed to be done. This is very much frowned upon now which is why I'm glad to be getting out of the successor organisation.

I used to work behind Custom lines on the Hovercraft (Ramsgate ~ Calais) many moons ago. Most Custom chaos were OK. Some took their job waaayyyyy to seriously, though!

One lost their driving licence due to drinking so bought a bicycle. He frequently fell off it due to, guess what.? 🍻

Another time, a friend & drinking buddy officer, seeing me and my family heading back from a cheap day trip to France (£1 if we stayed on the hovercraft, a few quid more if we disembarked) waited until the arrival hall was quite full then pointed at me and said in a very loud officious voice "WE WILL STOP THAT PERSON!!". Barsteward.. How we laughed as he escorted me to the search room! 😂 👍
rainy Monday!
rainy morning.jpg
Black is an absence of colour with white being a mix of all the visible colours by our brains,

one of our last cats was black. when photographing the cats in various situations, the black one was the most difficult to capture well enough to show any detail. I would often joke, that "Stormy" was a black hole. but with extra care & just the right light, we could see him. regarding going outside, he preferred nighttime. side note: his hair was the most silky soft, of any cat I ever owned
stormy on patio.jpg
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Well old Postman is a little flat this morning.Slept well 23-00 - 06-58.A pee back to bed woke at 08-55.Fancied scrambled egg on toast,shame it tasted like cardboard and nothing.Then the hernia started up,so a forty min lay down.Then the pills routine and finally the steroid syringe.I have no bounce,now its a latte see if that sorts me out.Anyone with spare energy i will gladly accept some.
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