Mundane News

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Once back from the early morning dog walk I started work on some chocolate and orange biscuit dough. Good job next door is away with the noise of me smashing chocolate before 7 in the morning. Once made and rapped now resting in there fridge. Ready for baking in a few days. The flavour just's get better left resting. Was planning to do a few more bits of baking but as it's lovely, dry and mild the two loads of washing. In between a trip to the shops sort of got in the way. I did make a start on decorating the Christmas cake only to find I'm a few colours of icing short. See if i can put some up tomorrow, on a plus point i've though of a little change which will make it look nicer.
Once cleaned up rest of the afternoon was spent catching up on house work.

The biscuits sound delish. Is there a recipe available?


Vice Admiral
There's a lot of baco foil being used tonight on strictly

There was a shortage of jackets in the first dance. Some people were only wearing quarter of a jacket. :unsure:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe...

Busy day today here chez Casa Reynard. As the weather forecast for next week is looking pretty pants, I spent the morning bringing in another trailer of firewood; the top half of that cherry tree I felled the other day, plus a load of oak and some smaller stuff that 'd trimmed up on Thursday but couldn't get in the trailer. Now that I've brought two overloaded trailers into the garage, the weather can damn well do what it wants for the next couple of weeks.

Had a late lunch, then made a fruit crumble as I noticed some peaches were looking a bit tired. So in they went, along with some Green Harvey apples and a couple of pears. Have to say, the low fat butter isn't that good for baking. It has a rather strange aftertaste. OK, I bought it very cheaply on YS, but ordinarily, I would not buy it.

That done, I went to Tesco to finish off the Christmas shopping and catch final reductions. Fruit & veg was a bust - nothing at all that I actually wanted. I don't need any more pears as I've plenty in, and asparagus that's two thirds of an inch in diameter at the base of the spear is likely to be as tough as old boots. After Wednesday's bonanza, the green bins were also a bust. A reasonable amount of bits in the chilled, but it was a combination of not much of interest and knowing that there's going to be good pickings next Sunday which meant that the only things I took was a box of "finest" vegetable samosas, a pack with some smoked mackerel and two salted caramel mousses. Did acquire bread, rolls and pastries from the bakery however.

They've still not got the full Xmas range in, so no giant pork pies to be had, nor any festive sausage roll selections. So I got my usual pork pie and a pack of "finest" sausage rolls instead. They'll do. Also got in a selection of nice hams, a posh pate and a few other nice little bits and pieces. I can now leave the shops to the "headless chicken hordes"

Only slight downside - not a sniff of a fresh cranberry in Tesco.

Anyways, now chilling with a :cuppa: and a kit kat.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
re taxes, a little late, no? best wishes with your relative. are they a parent? I'm sorry I forgot

Thanks - it's my mum who is in the hospice. She's been there a week now and I'll be down there tomorrow plus any of the days she's still with us, hence the filing of my tax return this evening.

In the UK self-assessment tax returns are due by 31 January, or 31 December if you want the Inland Revenue to collect the tax over the 2024-25 financial year rather than a one-off payment.

I forget that everything I do taxable income-wise is now via the PAYE (pay as you earn) system apart from honorariums (untaxed), interest (part-taxable) and prize wins (also untaxed). eBay sales depend on whether new stock was purposely bought to sell at a profit so I'm OK-ish there (will have some tax to pay on this next year).

As a result I should really do my return ASAP as I will get a tax refund on professional expenses and charitable donations.

Hopefully they'll just put the tax refund into my bank account rather than requesting a detailed breakdown of everything. That's hassle I could do without at the moment.
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I have just found the ideal cat for @Reynard. ^_^

View attachment 716248

Love it! Thank you Wol xxx :hugs:
@Reynard - there's a competition on the Loquax website I use where you can win a weekend in Ely. There's been a comment from the organiser about hardly anyone entering. I haven't entered it.

And yes, I'm DCLane on there as well. Plus on others

There's good cycling to be had around here - if you don't mind mud, crappy roads and plenty of Dutch hills LOL! The cathedral's always worth visiting, you've got nature reserves at Welney and Wicken Fen, along with the smaller nature reserve of Pingle Wood and Holt's Meadow in Downham. It's nice to footle along the banks of the Ouse where there's some decent albeit slightly touristy eateries. And of course, Ely is a good stopping-off point for a day out in Cambridge.

But tbf, it's a sleepy provincial town. :blush:
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