Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm waiting for a plumber. Who, if he turns up, will come armed with a plunger and little else. He'll ignore me when I tell him that the only way of unblocking it is with a plumber's snake/worm. After a while of profitless plungery, he'll say he can't unblock it and he can't use a snake/worm because it's been joined up with something called flexicore which the snake will simply shred. This will get me to the point I got to in summer.

Unless, there's a miracle and he comes equipped with piping which can replace the flexicore....


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I'm waiting for a plumber. Who, if he turns up, will come armed with a plunger and little else. He'll ignore me when I tell him that the only way of unblocking it is with a plumber's snake/worm. After a while of profitless plungery, he'll say he can't unblock it and he can't use a snake/worm because it's been joined up with something called flexicore which the snake will simply shred. This will get me to the point I got to in summer.

Unless, there's a miracle and he comes equipped with piping which can replace the flexicore....

When he's finished, can you send him up to Hamtun with a new rad valve & some spanners, please 👍


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey, overcast, chilly and slightly drizzly Suffolk. Yet another good night's sleep - over 8 hours without any interruptions and no need to get up early to phone in sick for work as I sorted that out when I phoned in yesterday. When I go back next Tuesday, it will be my first full day since 23rd November due to a combination of annual leave and sick leave.

The first coffee of the day has been long done & dusted so I think it's time for number two, accompanied by a bowl of malt wheaties and all while the work's laptop goes through yet another very slow update.

Just for the trainspotters - GBRF engine number 66703 (service 4L43) has just puled up at the holding point awaiting it's spot at the North rail terminal on Felixstowe Dock.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
When he's finished, can you send him up to Hamtun with a new rad valve & some spanners, please 👍

You'll end up with an indoors water feature.


Legendary Member
Over an hour and 3 restarts for a couple of simple updates on the laptop - this is what you get when you take a decent machine and clog it up with internal security systems!

At least it gave me time to get the home broadband renewal sorted now that I can speak (almost) properly on the phone. Apparently couldn't order the cheaper option as it was a downgrade on the service I have now - until I pointed out that despite what their 'expected' speeds claimed, if you put my postcode into the checker, the actual speeds were exactly the same so got my current set-up at the lower price. With the new TV package sorted out, I'm now saving £12 per month - it would be more but home phone line is now £3 per month and I must have this as Mum will only call this number and not my mobile for some reason :banghead:
Grey and chilly here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well despite the cat sleeping on top of me. I have had a quiet morning reading up some documents about the engines whose parts drawings I've been cataloguing. I've also arranged to go and view that Oriental Shorthair at some point in the New Year once she's recovered from her spay. There's no guarantee she will be right for us, but I won't know that until I've met her "in the fur" and spent a bit of time in her company. I will probably take my friend Linda with me, as I really trust her judgement when it comes to cats, and a second opinion is always useful.

The weather forecast for next week has changed. It was looking dry but now it's not, so some changes in plans will be required. So the intended afternoon spent working on those drawings will now become an afternoon spent filling up a trailer of firewood. Things might still be a bit soggy after yesterday's rain, but once the wood's stacked in the garage, it can dry out.

And on that note, it's time for luncheon.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Grey and chilly here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well despite the cat sleeping on top of me. I have had a quiet morning reading up some documents about the engines whose parts drawings I've been cataloguing. I've also arranged to go and view that Oriental Shorthair at some point in the New Year once she's recovered from her spay. There's no guarantee she will be right for us, but I won't know that until I've met her "in the fur" and spent a bit of time in her company. I will probably take my friend Linda with me, as I really trust her judgement when it comes to cats, and a second opinion is always useful.

The weather forecast for next week has changed. It was looking dry but now it's not, so some changes in plans will be required. So the intended afternoon spent working on those drawings will now become an afternoon spent filling up a trailer of firewood. Things might still be a bit soggy after yesterday's rain, but once the wood's stacked in the garage, it can dry out.

And on that note, it's time for luncheon.

Fingers crossed!


Back from Morrison's looking for interesting soups, particularly Baxter's Cullen Skink of which I'm rather partial. ^_^
None available, :dry: so had to settle for Baxter's Cocky Leekie and French Onion which will pass muster. :smile:
On the way home, decided to detour via Carello's, my favourite coffee stop and watch the world go by for ten minutes. :okay:
One of life's wee pleasures. :okay:
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