Mundane News

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Having checked the baking cupboard this morning a restock was in order. Most of the morning spent shopping around for what i needed.
Should see me though the rest of Christmas baking though I did need to pick up a few more bits this afternoon.
Now having a rest up with :cuppa: and finalising my idea for the decorating the Christmas cake. Just need the icing to arrive the orders been sent so hopefully arriving in a day or two.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've been turfed out of the study where I was trying to mark some student vlogs in-between hospice visiting days.

SWMBO arrived home and announced she has an online training course to join.

Since my 'study' is in reality a corner of her medical office I've been thrown out!
I've been turfed out of the study where I was trying to mark some student vlogs in-between hospice visiting days.

SWMBO arrived home and announced she has an online training course to join.

Since my 'study' is in reality a corner of her medical office I've been thrown out!

time for a he-shed?


Was actually surprised to see some cyclists this morning while out on site visits as flooded roads had been encountered. One a tarmac bridleway which was heavy with droppings off farm vehicles and hence the car immediately in need of a wash, which it did get a lunchtime. The other was a road across the vale of "York", actually Mowbray, as far from a river or stream as it's possible. Thankfully a tractor coming the other way waited otherwise the car might have been submerged under a wave.
Then for the first time for weeks a bike wheel turned on anger to get to a 2-3.30 meeting in the office on what was other a WAH afternoon


Had to have a new phone as old won't turn on , have left it in the airing cupboard in a bag of rice hoping it will dry out so I can rescue the 5000 pictures from it .

Been a bit stressed today

If it was an Android phone some/all could backed up in Google Photos
Had to have a new phone as old won't turn on , have left it in the airing cupboard in a bag of rice hoping it will dry out so I can rescue the 5000 pictures from it .

Been a bit stressed today

don't know who started that. everyone I know who tried it, still needed a new phone

one time we were on a family road trip. we all got out of the car for a pit stop. Daughter comes out of the rest area in tears, her phone fell in the toilet. we had to drive around looking to buy rice, which never helped. loaned her mine because she was absolutely panic stricken w/o her phone. I think she was 13 at the time. I would love to get rid of mine. really would


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Back home on the 1225 ferry which left 10 minutes early and less than half full. The passenger lift was broken [again] so had to manage the stairs but was offered the chance to stay in my car on the car deck. This boat MV Isle of Arran has an open stern end on the car deck but on an enclosed deck this option would not have been possible.
The crew were very helpful and manhandled a wheelchair with occupant, shopping trolleys and assorted luggage down to the car deck for others. This is necessary as foot passenger access at Craignure is only available via the car deck
Fast run up the road with leading car a Berlingo and chased by the biscuit factory lorry. This is a substantial rigid which does deliveries on the mainland , certainly as far down as mid England and probably has raw materials on the return trip.
Took ages to get the car unloaded and then the stuff has to be stowed in the house. One of the perils of shopping a couple of days apart is that I sometimes end up with duplication. Too many leeks for example. Leek and carrot soup tomorrow I think and then some stowed in the freezer which is now pretty full anyway. Unloading and stowage of non perishables will have to continue tomorrow.
I feel an early to bed night coming on.


Itching to get back on my bike's
If it was an Android phone some/all could backed up in Google Photos

It was an android but none seem to have been saved
don't know who started that. everyone I know who tried it, still needed a new phone

one time we were on a family road trip. we all got out of the car for a pit stop. Daughter comes out of the rest area in tears, her phone fell in the toilet. we had to drive around looking to buy rice, which never helped. loaned her mine because she was absolutely panic stricken w/o her phone. I think she was 13 at the time. I would love to get rid of mine. really would

It's worth a try
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