Mundane News

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As prices are on the almost continuous rise, wonder how much longer Poundland can justify the title - ? :whistle:
Just sayin' - ! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Managed to get out for a while by bike early this afternoon as I needed to get some fresh rolls for tea and to sort out the flowers for Mum's birthday before it got too late. There were also another couple of Chr***mas related items which got sorted out as well so I was quite happy. Not too much energy expended but quite a lot of fresh air taken in and I seem to have lost another half hour from late afternoon.
And breathe...

Had a lovely luncheon of toast, cheese, polish sausage & corned beef, accompanied by an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa: After that, I beribboned a few jars, grabbed the bag of cards and parcels and tootled into town.

Parcels & cards all sent. Whew. Pigs ears for friend's two doggos bought. New onesie bought (grey with stars and crescent moons). Then off to Tesco.

Good pickings in the green bins. Got four multipacks of turkey-flavoured Walkers crisps at 49p each, and sixteen cans of baked beans at 18p a can. There was a whole shelf of the beans - a case must've suffered a mishap in transit. In any case, I wasn't going to pass up. Also picked up some pears and two cheeses on YS - a "finest" Lancashire cream cheese and a "finest" buffalo mozarella. Also acquired a red cabbage (it's very big, so I'll cut in half, cook half and pop the rest in the fridge), two more of the large nets of clementines and (at last!) a pack of puff pastry.

Had the last of the vegetable & pasta soup for supper, plus a "raid the fridge for leftovers", and some blueberries for afters.

Just finished watching Stockport v Aldershot in the FA Cup.


Legendary Member
We are being haunted by an image of a ghost! We watched "A Ghost Story for Christmas " where an archaeologist is haunted by a figure which keeps appearing in the background. After the programme ended we watched the end of Heartbeat and a figure appeared in the background . We then watched PD James The Murder Room and the figure appeared in the background again! :ohmy:

Try Platform 7on ITVX
I need another :cuppa:


Vice Admiral
My coldframe is not big, about three foot by two foot, with a sloping roof. I like growing plants from cuttings, and that is the best place for them in their early days.

The baby plants in there at the moment are Pulsatilla (aka Pasque flower) and some Potentilla, sunlit or sunlight.

I just remembered the right name for that plant, Starlet not sunlit. A very different leaf to the more common potentillas.

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