Mundane News

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Yer learning...

Always, sometimes even useful things.
The time piece needed an oiling…




Kinda fun and you don’t get chilly in the garage doing it.

Think I’ll grease the budgie next, it’s making an annoying squeaky type noise.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A bright sunny day but with a bitterly cold wind.
Even if I felt like taking the trike out the sun is too low for safety for a road run and off road would not be nice and in any case I would not risk it in this weather. I had a tyre malfunction the last off road I did which turned out to be a valve problem. Not something to be fiddling with at below freezing and a couple of miles away from any assistance.

I had a pack of mince out of the freezer so made a dozen meals to refreeze. Short of vegetables so just the beef mince with stock cubes, onion, pearl barley, assorted herbs and a touch of chilli with some red lentil to thicken. Vegetables can be added later when required.
No recipe but just make it up as I go along. Learned from my wife who thought recipes were for wimps.

Calmac may be causing me problems as I am booked on a two vessel service next weekend but because of delay in overhaul this may be delayed beyond my booking date. Naturally I am booked on the probably missing vessel so may have to fight for a rebooking on MV Loch Frisa. Not keen on driving round 80 miles and two ferries to get to Oban area.
Note that this is partly ( based on announcements from Calmac ) speculation but better to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


cold and wet post snow day for most of it. Not felt like doing very much called into town but was soon back home.
Mrs 73 had asked me to get some more deicer which is not easy now we have no wilkos.
Hardly anywhere in town has stuff like that so none doing. So I've bagged a few brownie pts as I did find a penguin tea light holder and a plant with a penguin pot cover. So not all is lost

The washers just finished so that needs sorting and the dyson needs a walk.
More snow is on its way for most of this evening and into early morning. Getting to work in the morning maybe interesting.
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Leg End Member
cold and wet post snow day for most of it. Not felt like doing very much called into town but was soon back home.
Mrs 73 had asked beggar some more deicer which is not easy now we have no wilkos.
Hardly anywhere in town has stuff like that so none doing. So I've bagged a few brownie pts as I did find a penguin tea light holder and a plant with a penguin pot cover. So not all is lost

The washers just finished so that needs sorting and the dyson needs a walk.
More snow is on its way for most of this evening and into early morning. Getting to work in the morning maybe interesting.
Keep it in a lead!
Can't have it going for anyone or any other dysons being taken for a walk.


Vice Admiral

Why did I get stopped by Police for driving too slowly?

I had been out for the evening for a meal and drinks in a town about ten miles away. I did not consume any alcohol.

My route home took me through the outskirts of the town. At the edge of town there are several pubs and wide grass verges but no street lights. Then I had a vehicle drive up close behind me. It was a large vehicle and the headlights were dazzling me. This made it even more difficult to see ahead, and I slowed down, hoping the vehicle behind me would overtake.

No, they did not want to overtake, so I stayed at that slow speed in order to give myself more time to see any drunken pedestrians wandering in the dark.

Then to my surprise the vehicle put his flashing blue lights on, so I speeded up slightly thinking I would find a place to pull over and let him pass.

So I pulled over...... and the vehicle pulled up behind me. :eek:

I knew that I should stay in the vehicle and lowered the window. Mr Policeman said something like "Madam, do you know that you have been driving at 29 mph for the last mile or so, after you passed the speed delimiter sign?" He asked me what I had had to drink and I managed to say "two glasses of pineapple with lemonade and two cups of coffee". He put his head throught the window, possibly to detect alcoholic fumes. "When you speeded up, I thought we were going to have a chase."

I think I said something about driving slowly to avoid darkly clothed pedestrians. I did not mention his headlights dazzling me, when he followed too closely.


Leg End Member

Why did I get stopped by Police for driving too slowly?

I had been out for the evening for a meal and drinks in a town about ten miles away. I did not consume any alcohol.

My route home took me through the outskirts of the town. At the edge of town there are several pubs and wide grass verges but no street lights. Then I had a vehicle drive up close behind me. It was a large vehicle and the headlights were dazzling me. This made it even more difficult to see ahead, and I slowed down, hoping the vehicle behind me would overtake.

No, they did not want to overtake, so I stayed at that slow speed in order to give myself more time to see any drunken pedestrians wandering in the dark.

Then to my surprise the vehicle put his flashing blue lights on, so I speeded up slightly thinking I would find a place to pull over and let him pass.

So I pulled over...... and the vehicle pulled up behind me. :eek:

I knew that I should stay in the vehicle and lowered the window. Mr Policeman said something like "Madam, do you know that you have been driving at 29 mph for the last mile or so, after you passed the speed delimiter sign?" He asked me what I had had to drink and I managed to say "two glasses of pineapple with lemonade and two cups of coffee". He put his head throught the window, possibly to detect alcoholic fumes. "When you speeded up, I thought we were going to have a chase."

I think I said something about driving slowly to avoid darkly clothed pedestrians. I did not mention his headlights dazzling me, when he followed too closely.
Not blue speed signs then.

I'd have been tempted to mention both to the officer.
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