Mundane News

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took a walk before dinner




A bit of a minor success this evening as I've managed to pin a set of nineteen drawings for transmission components to one particular car. Time to bank the fire and head off to the Land of Nod.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:
I think it is there all the time. Head north from Thurso, go past Orkney, and it should be on your right.

We've been there. The ferry trip wasn't very nice ! Very uppy downy sideways, our cabin wouldn't stay still! Regular peeps on the ferry said it was the worst trip they had been on . I was expecting Ernest Borgnine and Gene Hackman to pop up at any moment!
I think it is there all the time. Head north from Thurso, go past Orkney, and it should be on your right.

Here are some views.
The view from the harbour. Perez's house is over to the right behind the white house . Our guide took our coach driver up to see it whilst we went off to find a fish and chip shop.

shetland harbour.JPG

ring of Brodgar.JPG


Legendary Member
Because I had taken yesterday afternoon off, today feels like it should be Saturday.

Sadly, 'tis only Friday and I am at work. At least it is only until 1pm.

Seems a nice day out. I'll get out on the bike for a bit in the afternoon :becool:

My ears are still working normally, amazingly enough. I can hear the racket made by the idling Merc minibus picking up school children outside again.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I went for my prescribed ten mile ride after work before going to Specsavers. Lovely weather for it too after a wet morning. If it wasn't for the appointment, I might have disobeyed the physioterrorist and went further.

Ear wax removal was a bit of a damp squib. I don't have an ear wax problem after all. It's probably a blockage in the Eustachian tube, probably the lingering effects of my cold and then sinus infection. I was told to try a hot hot compress or maybe get antibiotics. They didn't charge!

Then I met a woman I know when I was walking home who told me to fill my lungs, hold my nose and close my mouth and try to breathe out hard.

It worked :okay: I can now hear the boy racers and their big exhausts in glorious stereo again and the ringing noise has subsided drastically.

Scuba divers do that to clear their ears as pressure differences can cause problems.
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