Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...

Agreed, but people just aren't buying in the volume they were. My eBay sales have become a trickle.

But ... £200 of my £300 prize food vouchers have arrived as items. Organic salmon - £22.50 each fillet :blink: . I got a £50 Christmas pudding, a £60 Christmas cake, a few salmon fillets and other bits. Just missing the £30 each venison steaks, which arrive next week. And no, there were no "cheap" options.

So someone has money to spend somewhere.
It is nice and sunny here with a clear blue sky .
I have been out for a ride with my friends . We found that one of the lanes was covered in wet mud from farm contractors going in and out of a field . My bike got absolutely plastered. We stopped off for tea 3/4 of the way round for a cup of tea. My Orbit went well. I did 19 miles. I have now washed my bike and cycling jacket off .


Agreed, but people just aren't buying in the volume they were. My eBay sales have become a trickle.

But ... £200 of my £300 prize food vouchers have arrived as items. Organic salmon - £22.50 each fillet :blink: . I got a £50 Christmas pudding, a £60 Christmas cake, a few salmon fillets and other bits. Just missing the £30 each venison steaks, which arrive next week. And no, there were no "cheap" options.

So someone has money to spend somewhere.

Daughter in law worked at a top London Casino. She's fluent in Chinese and did a lot of customer liaison. It's a completely different world. Top of the range hampers from Harrods, the maxed out latest iPhone, Framed, signed football shirt personally signed by ( I can't really say otherwise it might get messy 😉) .
There were several very very high rolling Arab clients, but even they couldn't hold a candle to the Chinese.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Managed a short walk but high wind chill so not very pleasant. Good to get out for a bit of exercise tho'.

Ferries had a short couple of ferry runs but now stopped again due to high winds.
Should be normal sailings by tomorrow but temperature is getting pretty low and may reach freezing overnight.

Looks like a good day possibly on Saturday but temp is going to make getting out on the trike a bit cold. Somehow I seem to feel the cold more than I ever did before. One of the penalties of getting old I think.

My Openreach neighbour has not appeared all day so not found out if the text messages I got were genuine. They have been delated anyway but interesting to know.
For future ref save your money and use a few drop's of olive oil and cotton wool bung.
It really help's loosen the wax and is cheep and safe. Mrs 73 can always tell who's followed the advice and who's not it make the job whole lot quicker and less painful.

I must have seriously hardcore earwax; the oil just made my collar grubby and smelly.


I second the olive oil to soften the wax. So far any flushing has been done by my practice nurse and has never been painful. It is also free of charge. I think the charges in private practice are extortionate.

By painful a better wording is discomfort it can for some feel odd having water coming out your ears. If it painful something has gone a bit wrong on the whole it's pretty safe.
On cost of ear care it depends who's providing the service a high street chain of a single one man operation. One has economies of scale and ability to reduce costs. The other has little headroom going on the going rate is around £35-£40 per ear. Take in the need to have a consultation then follow up treatment around a week later, add in the equipment maintenance and consumables you've not much left over. Mrs 73 is looking into offering it so i've done the sums and you don't get much left. Luckily the cost need not cover insurance as her RCN one cover her outside of work. Add that in and even less to play with.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
By painful a better wording is discomfort it can for some feel odd having water coming out your ears. If it painful something has gone a bit wrong on the whole it's pretty safe.
On cost of ear care it depends who's providing the service a high street chain of a single one man operation. One has economies of scale and ability to reduce costs. The other has little headroom going on the going rate is around £35-£40 per ear. Take in the need to have a consultation then follow up treatment around a week later, add in the equipment maintenance and consumables you've not much left over. Mrs 73 is looking into offering it so i've done the sums and you don't get much left. Luckily the cost need not cover insurance as her RCN one cover her outside of work. Add that in and even less to play with.

Sadly I agree with your analysis of costs which is why I prefer our NHS. If I had to go to the mainland for treatment it would cost me about £30 per trip as not bring able to walk far I have to take the car and even then that is a discounted rate based on blue badge and age.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My Openreach neighbour eventually appeared and thought the texts from BT were a quirk in the system and not a scam. He said it does happen occasionally but no idea why.
Strangely the Tobermory/Kilchoan ferry ran most of the day as it is a bit exposed but the landing slipways are more sheltered as opposed to Fishnish/ Lochaline where the slip is exposed on the Mull side.
That treatment has a terrible habit of going wrong Mrs 73 has had to deal with it many times.

I can understand why, but I was desperate: working in your second language is harder when you can't hear. I was familiar with the symptoms, and had tried everything else, which as said before was either ineffective or painful and ineffective, or smelly and ineffective, or took a doctor's appointment.

Goodness knows what is in my earwax, but it is apparently immune to almost anything.
It's been a bright and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept ridiculously well. Had a quiet morning as my brain is still suffering from information overload after yesterday. This afternoon I sawed up what was left in the trailer after last week's firewood foray, and split a good portion of those logs. The plan is to bring another trailer in on Saturday - and the rest of that good quality oak.

Yesterday was one heck of an experience. My mate and I spent the entire day recording and making a start on cataloguing a sizeable collection of engineering drawings pertaining to some historic racing cars. However, having passed through several sets of hands over the years, they'd become jumbled up, so we had our work cut out. Every single drawing was either photographed or scanned (my wee little Canon Lide 220 was perfect for this), and I've already catalogued roughly 20% of the collection. Now Si and I have the hard task of working out which drawings match with each other (and with each car), and creating a comprehensive illustrated catalogue. Although of course, we can now do it in our own time.

I plan on having a quiet evening keeping an eye on the Davis Cup tennis.


Reflecting on some interesting stuff from the covid inquiry.
One thing is clear any young girl who want's to do science. Want's to see how a female at the top of her game. Can be as equal and hold her own as anyone else. Dame Angela McLean is one class act , the afternoon equally showed how clueless others can be.


Legendary Member
I went for my prescribed ten mile ride after work before going to Specsavers. Lovely weather for it too after a wet morning. If it wasn't for the appointment, I might have disobeyed the physioterrorist and went further.

Ear wax removal was a bit of a damp squib. I don't have an ear wax problem after all. It's probably a blockage in the Eustachian tube, probably the lingering effects of my cold and then sinus infection. I was told to try a hot hot compress or maybe get antibiotics. They didn't charge!

Then I met a woman I know when I was walking home who told me to fill my lungs, hold my nose and close my mouth and try to breathe out hard.

It worked :okay: I can now hear the boy racers and their big exhausts in glorious stereo again and the ringing noise has subsided drastically.
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