Mundane News

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The wind and rain continues. I braved it and took my first morning perambulation in a few weeks, mainly because I had a letter to drop in the post but I'm pleased I did. I feel nice and refreshed now.

I have the evening off work as I had three hours leave I needed to use up before the end of the year.

I have exciting plans! I have an appointment with Specsavers to remove ear wax which I hope will return my ears to normal.

Hope they told you to prep them for a week before ?
There was an article on the BBC today about warnings being given on the dangers of deep frying turkeys -
- is this really a thing?

If the Founding Fathers had tried that, history may have been very different...


I often had issues with ear wax blockages, proprietary solutions were ineffective, painful or both. Eventually I learned a trick from a cycle tourist; a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide, the sort of stuff used to bleach hair, applied in the ear with a syringe. I keep both in the bathroom now, and a problem that used to mean three days of frustration and a doctors appointment is now resolved in ten minutes.

That treatment has a terrible habit of going wrong Mrs 73 has had to deal with it many times.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Maybe I've been working to other rules then. But clearly wrapped "parcels" that wash ashore on UK beaches are reportable. Mainly because it's a known method of "delivery" for drugs into these islands. They may also have been dumped overboard, to evade being found onboard.

t was thought later that it may well have been dropped and lost during a ship tp ship transfer in bad weather. However it was wrapped it was well burst open on the rocks and he never gave it a thought. We cannot all be perfect. He had no bad intensions and beachcombing is a regular thing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another wild day and all ferry services ar currently suspended with a review at nine o'clock.

A sad world where you have to be constantly on the alert for scams.
i wonder about the text messages I got from BT yesterday as there is a slight grammatical error and an invitation to phone for more information. I do have Dougies personal number but he would have a BT work phone which I do not have a number for so I am not going to ring any unknown number.
If it is genuine he should appear soon but so far no contact. I must keep a lookout and ask him about this face to face.
Good morning...

Watching that here as well: Buildings are grey on a white background, and approaching trains are a monochrome silvery orange; as they get closer they change into their natural colours*.

Meanwhile, yesterday I parked my bike in a convenient gap in the furniture warehouse, which was the cause of much hammy objections along the lines of "He comes here for one day and blocks out department" et c.

Arrived this morning to find my colleagues had responded in kind, with this just inside the boundary line:

View attachment 714312

I'd suggest they'd turned the tables but it doesn't translate well.

*The trains are approaching, not the buildings, before someone** makes comment

** @classic33

I see your bike collection is coming along ! :whistle:
I often had issues with ear wax blockages, proprietary solutions were ineffective, painful or both. Eventually I learned a trick from a cycle tourist; a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide, the sort of stuff used to bleach hair, applied in the ear with a syringe. I keep both in the bathroom now, and a problem that used to mean three days of frustration and a doctors appointment is now resolved in ten minutes.

You keep your ear with the syringe in the bathroom? :ohmy:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That's my walk done & dusted... 4 miles, pre-dawn 🐶


Bit spooky through the cemetery with assorted lights twinkling on the graves! 🤞
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