Mundane News

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Leg End Member
That would explain why it looks so pi**ed off.
I put that look down to how it were being held.
1st snow
1st snow.jpg

it's a wet sloppy mess. about 1/2" of sticky slush & now it's raining. had to break out the shovel for the front steps & walk & around the cars. christened the car snow brush too


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I dunno, I've seen some guides having more fun than some scouts when outdoors. Their leaders could shame scout leaders in terms of their use of words.

I will add, just to clarify, I were campsite warden for nearly nine years at the local campsite.

I recall my daughter's guiders (?) being very reluctant to go camping.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Calmac are having a fun day with their text messaging service. Lost count of them now warning of cancellations as there is still no power so linkspan cannot be moved.
However the tides change and it has now become possible to load the ferry as it matches the point where the linkspan is stuck. Cannot make a return journey tho’ until power comes back on.
Now they announce that the single small ferry service will be extended due to delay in the overhaul schedule. While many like the small ferry it’ s limited carrying capacity causes problems. An annoyance is that the coffee vending machine seems to spend more time broken down than working.
As I have written before it is one of the joys of island life.


♻ bottle and plastic box emptied for the last time as left with it was the new ♻ bottle and plastic wheelie bin.
Just think what "gifts" that cat could drag in for you though.
Reminds me of my former neighbour yelling at her cat for what "gifts" it had dragged in. Obviously had some effect as the cat then dragged in something potentially useful; a plastic bag
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