Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I'm up. Dog's yet to appear by the back door wanting to be out for a tiddle. Tea's brewed.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cannot see out to tell what the weather is doing but I suspect nothing good.
Warnings of ferry disruptions due to high winds. That is if any ferries are running anyway as there is a power cut at Craignure so the linkspan is out of action.
They are constantly complaining in Craignure that they miss out to Tobermory which they claim gets everything. Now they have a power cut and we do not so they are still complaining.
The Ferry Committee have been getting at Calmac again over boat times. Calmac publish in their timetables various train connections but the timing is so tight that to get a boat if the train is on time you have to be a world class sprinter with no luggage.
Surgery again today for more bloods tho' I am not sure I see the point in repeating what was done last week.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very quiet office in Suffolk - where is everybody?

Lovely ride in to work this morning with light winds, clear skies, a bit of a chill in the air and the unusual sight of the sun rising over a giant container ship (the Ever Glory) as it left Felixstowe for Hamburg as I headed along the seafront.
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