Mundane News

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Cool, very blustery and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well. Have had a quietish morning catching up with a few things. I'd better not tell @Grant Fondo where my stash of Min Spies is hidden... :whistle: I've also sorted out my selection of dented cans purchased on YS from the green bins in Tesco, and they're lined up on parade on top of the ironing board; chickpeas (2), black beans (2), garden peas (1), spaghetti hoops (1), tomatoes (1), cannellini beans (3) and kidney beans (2).

Took another delve into the freezer and came up with a pack of sausages. I think that's the eleventh item I've furkled out in recent weeks, and there's now some appreciable space in there. It doesn't look like it when you open the door, but that's because some of the items are now far less tightly packed. I can actually see some of the larger bits in there, one of which is a leg quarter from a Norfolk Bronze free range turkey. I've not gone stickering (final reductions) for two and a bit months. Catching covid gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to do this, and by the time Christmas comes along, there should be one empty drawer in there at least. Mind you, it won't stay empty for long! :laugh:

This afternoon's task is to bring in another trailer of firewood before the weather turns.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
I just called the Doc. in Stuttgart and after some confusion (Mostly because of my Denglish) we established that apart from a flu jab each yea I'm basically out of date for everything. As I work with metal, wood, and sharp things, and in the company of people who have addiction issues, psychological issues, and on occasion poor personal hygiene, I'm not taking any chances so I'll be catching up from next week...

It doesn't help that here everyone has a vaccination passport, so they carry their record with them. I don't have one; indeed, being one of those terrible immigrant types I've never had one, so we have to work things out from scratch.
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these unheated side mirrors are getting old quick


can't even remember the last car I had w/o heated mirrors ... ;-(


Went into the city this morning to do a few tasks. In the space of less than an hour, I 'bumped into' a manny who used to deliver to a firm I used to work for, a lass who I used to deliver to in the same firm and at the butcher I'd gone into to avail myself of some of their 'house blend' sausages, the butcher who served me's dad had been a section manager at the same firm again - ! :laugh:
Small world eh - ? :okay:
Oh and the 'house blend' sausages I picked were Norfolk ( traditional ), Spanish style ( choritzo ), with black pepper, with garlic, with Marmite.
Wonder what's for tea tonight - ? :rofl:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Been jabbed and sure enough parking chaos. The assisted living place adjacent is having difficulty keeping their entrance clear.
The scout hall is new but the acoustics make conversation a bit difficult with too much echo.
Sadly I did not recognise at least 90% of those getting jagged as well and I was not alone in this. The guy in front of me in the queue who is a native Mull man turned round and asked if I had seen any of those people before as he certainly had not.
All settlers and they are changing everything particularly the emphasis towards Christmas.
The village of Bunessan is having a special switch on event for Christmas lights and are running a free bus from Craignure for this event to try to swell the numbers.
In Scotland the emphasis in the past and certainly here was always on New Year.

Just had some potato crisps which I naively thought would be potato slices deep fried. Reading the outside of the packet it does not specify how much potato but there is a vast range of all sorts of unlikely things mentioned including most cereals as well as soya and mustard plus too many others to mention.
They did taste nice tho'.


Reading the outside of the packet it does not specify how much potato but there is a vast range of all sorts of unlikely things mentioned including most cereals as well as soya and mustard plus too many others to mention.
They did taste nice tho'.
Sounds like the many variations on Wotsits and the like. Made up from the tattie trimmings of various snack food / pre packed / frozen chips etc. processes, much addition of 'taste and look good' extras and then packed up in a pretty bag to sell - ! :laugh:


Does anyone make their own mice pies? Home made might be the best ones,
My mother-in-law in a previous life did excellent mince pies. Blew the socks off any shop bought ones .
Not keen on sweet mincemeat now, but our local bakery does a cracking glazed flaky pastry item with a filling of mincemeat and topped with confectioner's custard - ! :okay:
I went out for a ride on my Orbit this afternoon. It was nice and sunny and I didn't want to miss a chance for a ride . I did my usual route . The bike was going well and I soon got down to Reybridge . I stopped there to take some pictures of my bike and the floods. I wandered across the bridge to take some pictures from the other side . I heard a whistling noise which sounded familiar, it was a Kingfisher! It perched in a tree in front of me but flew off as I tried to take a photo . I just pressed the shutter and panned round . I have a picture of a blurry Kingfisher!
I Carried on over to my brother's and then noticed a third this coming from the front wheel . At first I thought I had picked up a stone . No such luck ! It was a puncture. I repaired it with the help of my brother . I really should have used a patch! :whistle:

12 miles.
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